Chair: Dr. Cosme Culotta-López, Orbit/FR - Microwave Vision Group (MVG)
Secretary: Mr. Gil Yemini, Orbit/FR - Microwave Vision Group (MVG)

Goals and Objectives:

  • The principal aim of the node is to extend the AMTA world to those members of the Antenna Community belonging to academic and industrial, civil, and military organizations who have not had the opportunity to attend the AMTA annual symposium, and to include them in the AMTA world thanks to the initiatives planned by the node, such as the annual one-day meeting and workshop.
  • The node is a valuable reference for all the people located and/or operating in Israel and interested in antenna measurements, bringing them together to foster cooperation and advanced research in the field.
  • The node plans to organize local events to capture and strengthen recent developments in antenna measurements.
  • The node will report on antenna measurement activities in the region by submitting papers to the AMTA symposium.

We meet at least once a year for the annual one-day meeting and workshop. The workshop is aimed at exchanging knowledge within the node and foster cooperation and joint research, which will be submitted to the AMTA Annual Meeting and Symposium.

The Israeli AMTA Node counts with the participation of the industry and academic leaders in topics related to antenna measurements and electromagnetic research. A steering committee consisting of a member from each of the participating organizations advices the Chair and Vice-Chair on meeting agendas and other important matters.

Please contact the Chair or the Secretary to join the AMTA Node
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