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Characterization of materials at UHF and VHF
J.K. Hoyt (McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co.),A.C. Lind (McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co.), J.A. Norris (McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co.), November 1988

Three test methods have been developed and validated for characterizing materials at VHF and UHF in an indoor environment. The first method employs a resonant strip-line cavity for the independent determination of permittivity and permeability from .15-2 GHz. The planar field geometry and sample configuration permit evaluation of material anistropy. Measurements are taken on an Automatic Network Analyzer (HP 8510 ANA). The second method measures the reflection/transmission (R/T) of planar material samples at UHF. This is a free space measurement performed in an anechoic chamber. Data is taken from .2-2 GHz using two dual ridged horn antennas and the ANA. A calibration method has been developed for the ANA to correct for measurement errors. Off-set shorts and thru delays are used in this technique. The third technique evaluates reflection performance of materials from 150-250 MHz. This technique employs a custom designed corner reflector antenna. Only one such antenna is needed due to the calibration technique. These methods allow a synergistic approach to material development. Candidate material can be evaluated using the cavity or R/T systems. Material designs can then be tested on either the UHF and/or VHF systems.

RCS errors due to target support structure
W.T. Wollny (Quick Reaction Corporation), November 1988

The deleterious effect of tilting the pylon on the measured RCS of a low level target is shown. A two scatterer computer model is developed to demonstrate the harmful effect of the pylon on the target signature. Predicted RCS plots are provided for the pylon to target ratios of -20, -10, 0, and +10 dB. The familiar error curve for two interfering signals is shown as applicable to bound the RCS errors of two scatterers. A method for computing the pylon RCS from linear motion RCS measurements is described with sample data plots. A knowledge of the pylon RCS allows the inclusion of measurement confidence levels on all RCS plots which is very valuable to the analyst. All radar data that is below the known RCS of the target support structure can be blanked from the plotted data to prevent confusion since these RCS values are an artifact of the measurement system and are not a true representation of the target RCS.

A Planewave spectral range probe
R.D. Coblin (Lockheed Missiles & Space Co.), November 1988

The weakest link in antenna metrology is the antenna range itself. Unknown reflections can cause large errors in antenna measurements and can change unpredictably. Conventional range probing methods typically provide a go/no go test with very little information about the location of the range scatterers. A number of techniques show promise for locating antenna range scattering centers. This paper describes the theory of a probe analysis method being implemented at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company. The method is based on planewave spectral analysis. A specialized probe system to test the planewave spectral theory will be described.

High volume testing in a near field facility
R.D. Ward (Hughes Aircraft Company),R.K. Miller (Hughes Aircraft Company), November 1988

While near field antenna test techniques are well understood, published methods for high volume testing are rare. This paper addresses special requirements for production testing of satellites at the Hughes Aircraft Company Space and Communications Group facility in El Segundo, California. The El Segundo facility has the capability of testing antennas which employ multiple beams and polarization isolation for frequency spectrum reuse. It is required that the measurement techniques and equipment be able to test this type of antenna during a single traverse of the planar near field scanner. Serious demands are placed on the system to meet these requirements: * Maximum dynamic range and linearity must be maintained in an environment of rapidly shifting signal levels. * Isolation of signals must be maintained while allowing rapid switching for beam and polarization sampling. * Equipment settling time must be minimized to maintain scan rate at the highest possible speed. * RF interfaces must be repeatable, and capable of rapid reconfiguration. * Calibration and system checkout techniques must be accurate, quick, and capable of detecting malfunctions and costly setup errors. * Data transfer and processing must not be a limitation to the availability of the system for measurement. * System growth capability must be maintained, but not allowed to interfere with 'old and valued' customers. Some of the trades and pitfalls in meeting these requirements will also be presented.

Methods for the calculation of errors due to wall effects in an RCS measurement compact range
T.P. Delfeld (Boeing Military Airplane Company), November 1987

A method for the calculation of the errors induced through target-wall-target interactions is presented. Both near-field and far-field situations are considered. Far-field calculations are performed both with Fraunhoffer diffraction theory and target antenna analogies. Absorber is considered as both a specular and a diffuse scatterer. The equations developed permit trade studies of chamber size versus performance to be made.

Effects of mechanical discontinuities on the performance of compact range reflectors, The
B.J.E. Taute (The Ohio State University),I.J. Gupta (The Ohio State University), W.D. Burnside (The Ohio State University), November 1987

Reducing ripple in the aperture field of the parabolic reflector is one of the main considerations in the design of a compact range, since it determines the "usable" target zone for RCS and antenna measurements. The usable target zone is typically defined as the aperture region where the ripple is less than 0.1 dB [1]. Studies [2,3] have shown that edge diffractions and therefore ripple can be significantly reduced by using blended rolled edges such as in Figure 1. For low aperture field ripple, it is assumed that the junction between the parabolic surface and the blended rolled edge is smooth. In practice, however, the rolled edges may be machined separately and then fitted to the main reflector. If this is done, small wedge angle errors (Figure 2) or step discontinuities (Figure 3) may be mechanically introduced at the junctions. Typically, angle deviations of plus-or-minus 0.5 degrees and steps of plus-or-minus 0.005 inches may be expected. If the parabola and part of the rolled edge is machined as a unit, diffraction due to discontinuities in the mechanical junction between this surface and the rest of the rolled edge can have less effect on ripple in the aperture field. Now, the questions to be answered are: * How much of the target zone is lost due to discontinuities at the edge of the parabola? * How much of the rolled edge need to be machined with the parabola to prevent mechanical discontinuities from decreasing the usable target zone? * What range of discontinuities can be tolerated? In this paper, these questions are answered for a 12 foot radius semi-circular compact range reflector with cosine-blended rolled edges.

Effects of measurement errors on reflector surface reconstruction using microwave holographic metrology
Y. Rahmat-Samii (California Institute of Technology),D.J. Rochblatt (California Institute of Technology), November 1987

Microwave holographic metrology is considered to be a key technique for achieving improved performance from large reflector antennas, especially at the shorter wavelengths. An important benefit of microwave holography is that the mathematically transformed data yields precise information on panel alignments on a local scale [1-5]. Since the usage of the holographic technique requires both the amplitude and phase data of the measured far-field patterns, one must carefully assess the impact of systematic and random errors that could corrupt the data due to a variety of measurement error sources.

Antenna diagnosis using microwave holographic techniques on a far-field range
E.P. Ekelman (COMSAT Laboratories), November 1987

The holographic antenna measurement system developed for the COMSAT Labs far-field range was tested with various antennas including axis-symmetric reflector antennas, offset single and dual reflector antennas, and phased-array antennas. Numerous examples which demonstrate the value of holographic measurement as an antenna diagnostic tool are presented. Microwave holography utilizes the Fourier transform relation between the antenna radiation pattern and the antenna aperture electromagnetic field distribution. Complex far-field date are collected at sample points and a Fourier transform is performed to give amplitude and phase contours in the antenna aperture plane. These contours facilitate reflector antenna diagnosis. The feed illumination and blockage pattern are provided by the amplitude distribution. The aperture phase distribution allows simple determination of deviations in the reflector surface and feed focusing. For phased-array antennas, the contours provide a measure of the complex element excitation. Measurement system parameters including pointing accuracy, phase stability, and measurement dynamic range were studied and refinements implemented to increase speed, accuracy, and resolution of the contour plots. To prevent aliasing errors, sampling criteria were explored to determine the optimum parameter ranges. For most antenna positioners, the antenna center is displaced from the rotation center. The importance of properly accounting for this displacement is discussed in the final section.

Formulation of proper standards in radar polarimetry
A.B. Kostinski (University of Illinois at Chicago),W.M. Boerner (University of Illinois at Chicago), November 1987

We have found several crucial inconsistencies in the basic equations of radar polarimetry which are rather common in the current literature on the subject. In particular, the pertinent formulations of the polarization state definitions given in the IEEE/ANSI Standards 149-1979 are in error. These and other inconsistencies and conceptual errors are analyzed very carefully in this presentation. We provide the correct formulae for the proposed revision of the polarimetric standards together with a well-defined and consistent procedure for measuring target scattering matrices in both, mono-static and bi-static arrangements. Further, the proposed procedure can be applied to an arbitrary measurement process in any general elliptical polarization basis.

Millimeter Wave Attenuator and Antenna Calibrations
A.G. Repjar (National Bureau of Standards),M.H. Francis (National Bureau of Standards), November 1987

Precision rotary vane attenuator calibrations are required in both the planar near-field method for determining antenna parameters and in the extrapolation method for determining on-axis gain of standard gain horns and probes. These attenuator calibrations are used to measure the linearity of the receiving systems and also to provide a precise offset capability used in insertion loss measurements. The Antenna Metrology Group of the National Bureau of Standards has utilized the i.f. substitution method to calibrate millimeter wave precision attenuators using equipment available in their measurement laboratory. The technique will be described along with the problems encountered. Results will be presented. In addition to mm wave attenuator measurements, the first calibrations of mm wave antennas and probes has resulted in tests to determine waveguide flange to flange connection errors for insertion loss measurements where repeated connections are necessary. The effects of these measurements on the overall error budget for the determination of the gain of an antenna will be presented and the effects of methods to reduce these errors will be discussed.

Millimeter Waveguide Flange Alignment Fixture for Antenna and Other Calibrations
D.P. Kremer (National Bureau of Standards),A.C. Newell (National Bureau of Standards), November 1987

Millimeter band measurements require that care be exercised in the connection and handling of the waveguide flanges and their contact surfaces. When properly connected these flanges can provide many years of reliable and repeatable measurements. Improper use will limit the flange life to just a few connections, and cause measurement errors. These misuses are especially acute in situations requiring repeated connecting and disconnecting of small waveguide flanges, such as in antenna or insertion loss measurements. Some examples of misuse are: 1. using the flange to support heavy devices, 2. rocking the flange to get it on or off, 3. over-torquing multiple sides, and 4. using flanges with non-uniform surfaces. The effect of these misuses is that the flange is no longer usable for measurements requiring repeatability and this results in calibrations with unsatisfactory error bounds. NBS is currently addressing these problems by developing a Mechanical Millimeter Flange Alignment Fixture. The fixture indicates deficiencies in the contact area which need to be corrected. The fixture is then used to ensure that the flanges are mated correctly and repeatably. No twisting, rocking or angular mating of the flanges can occur. The fixture relieves the weight of the device on the flange and makes a versatile mounting fixture for almost any device where repeated connections must be made. The fixture and its use will be discussed in detail.

Spectral evaluation of reflector surfaces used for compact ranges
E.B. Joy (Georgia Institute of Technology),R.E. Wilson (Georgia Institute of Technology), November 1986

This paper presents the results of a study conducted to determine the effects of reflector surface errors on compact range performance. The study addressed only the reflector surface accuracy and not edge scattering, reflector illumination or reflector size. The study showed that low spatial frequency sinusoidal surface errors are significant contributors to amplitude ripple in the quiet zone field. Simple equations are presented for estimation of quiet zone amplitude ripple due to reflector surface errors. The study also presents measured surface error for two manufactures of reflector panels. The spectral (plane wave) components of the reflected field are displayed for a compact range reflector composed of a collection of these panels. *This work supported by the U. S. Army Electronic Proving Ground, Ft. Huachuca, AZ and the Joint Services Electronics program

Measurement of doubly curved reflector antennas
S.H. Lim (Andrew Antenna Company Ltd.),R. Boyko (Andrew Antenna Company Ltd.), November 1986

This paper describes the mechanical as well as electrical measurement of doubly curved reflector antennas. The techniques developed for measurement of the new Canadian RAMP Primary Surveillance Radar antenna are described. Instead of a conventional full size template fixture to measure the antenna contour accuracy, an optical twin-theodolite method is used. The problems of the method are discussed and a new simplified analysis for calculating reflector error of doubly curved antennas is presented. Reflector errors are calculated and displayed concurrent with the actual measurements. The measurement of primary and secondary patterns for such antennas are described. Included are brief descriptions of the improved Andrew pattern test range and anechoic chamber facilities.

Spherical near-field thermal drift correction using a return-to-peak technique
G.B. Melson (Scientific-Atlanta Inc.),D.W. Hess (Scientific-Atlanta Inc.), J.R. Jones (Scientific-Atlanta Inc.), November 1985

Over the long periods of time needed to acquire spherical near-field data, thermal drift of the system can cause errors in the measurement. The effect of thermal-drift can be removed, if it is monitored during the scanning process. This is accomplished by periodically returning the probe to the near-field peak during acquisition. The same point is re-measured upon each return; and the variations in phase and amplitude are used to produce a correction factor which is applied to each point in the near-field data file. This paper describes the return-to-peak method and the correction algorithm. Experimental results will also be presented.

Optimum near-field probing for improved low sidelobe measurement accuracy
J. Hoffman (Technology Service Corporation),K. Grimm (Technology Service Corporation), November 1985

A novel technique for improved accuracy of sidelobe measurement by planar near field probing has been developed and tested on the modified near field scanner at the National Bureau of Standards. The new technique relies on a scanning probe which radiates an azimuth plane null along the test antenna’s mainbeam steering direction. In this way, the probe acts as a mainbeam filter during probe correction processing, and allows the sidelobe space wavenumbers to establish the dynamic range of the near field measurement. In this way, measurement errors which usually increase with decreasing near field signal strength are minimized. The probe also discriminates against error field which have propagation components in the direction of mainbeam steering, such errors may be due to multipath or scanner Z-position tolerances. Near field probing tests will be described which demonstrate measurement accuracies from tests with two slotted waveguide arrays—the Ultralow Sidelobe Array (ULSA) and the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) array. Results show that induced near field measurement error will generate detectable far field sidelobe errors, within established bounds, at the –60dB level. The utility of te probe to detect low level radar target scattering will also be described.

A Desktop-computer-based antenna pattern recorder
A. Geva (RAFAEL),B. Cyzs (RAFAEL), Y. Botvin (RAFAEL), November 1985

In this paper we describe the implementation of an antenna pattern recorder using a desktop digital computer to replace the conventional analog electro-mechanical element. This means that all pattern recorder front-panel controls and charts are displayed on and accessed via the computer’s CRT, keyboard and peripherals. It has all the regular features, e.g. choice of scales, pen up/pen down etc., plus a multitude of additional features, obtained owing to the use of a digital computer, which will later be outlined in detail. In spite of the numerous options available, the instrument is very easy to master, requires no preliminary knowledge of computer operation and programming. It is entirely menu-driven and designed to trap most operator errors while maintaining a user-friendly environment suitable for technician-level operation.

The Measurement of both complex permittivity and permeability of absorptive materials
S. Tashiro (Hewlett-Packard Company), November 1985

Measurement of complex permittivity (er) and permeability (µr), both vector quantities of absorptive materials, has gained increasing importance with expanding use of the RF and microwave spectrum, particularly in communications and electromagnetic countermeasure applications. In addition, the network analyzer has seen increasing use in non-destructive measurements to determine the chemical composition of a sample dielectric material. The method described here is suited for the measurement of complex permittivity and permeability of ansorptive materials. These measurements have been made for years using numerous methods. A conventional technique involves a two-step process using a slotted line or network analyzer. First, the sample is backed up by a short circuit and the input impedance is measured. Next, the short circuit is moved ¼ ? from the sample to simulate an open circuit termination (where ? is the incident signal wavelength), and a second measurement is made. The results of these two measurements are used to solve simultaneous equations for er and µr. This procedure is repeated for each frequency of interest. Uncertainties in the measurement include test set-up frequency response, mismatch, and directivity errors, as well as the uncertainty in the physical position of the short circuit.

Automated wideband, phase coherent polarimetric radar cross section measurements
T.K. Pollack (Teledyne Micronetics), November 1984

This paper describes the equipment, mechanics and methods of one of the outdoor ranges at Teledyne Micronetics. A computer controlled microwave transceiver uses pulsed CW over a frequency range of 2-18 GHz to measure the amplitude, phase and polarization of the signal reflected off the target. The range geometry, calibration and analysis techniques are used to optimize measurement accuracy and characterize the target as a set of subscatterers.

Planar Near-Field Measurements Using Hexagonal Sampling
L.E. Corey (Georgia Institute of Technology),E. B. Joy (Georgia Institute of Technology), November 1984

This paper describes a new planar near-field measurement technique in which near-field data is collected in a hexagonal rather than a rectangular format. It is shown that the hexagonal method is more efficient than the rectangular technique in that a lower sampling density is required and the hexagonally shaped measurement surface is more compatible with most antenna apertures than the conventional rectangular measurement surface.

Extension of the extrapolation method for accurate swept frequency antenna gain calibrations
A. Newell (National Bureau of Standards),A. Repjar (National Bureau of Standards), S.B. Kilgore (National Bureau of Standards), November 1984

For approximately 10 years the National Bureau of Standards has used the Extrapolation Technique (A. C. Newell, et al., IEEE Trans. Ant. & Prop., AP-21, 418-431, 1973) for accurately calibrating transfer standard antennas (on-axis gain and polarization). The method utilizes a generalized three-antenns approach which does not require quantitative a priori knowledge of the antennas. Its main advantages are its accuracy and generality. This is essentially no upper frequency limit and it can be applied, in principle, to any type of antenna, although some directivity is desirable to reduce multipath interence.
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