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Multipaction analysis utilizing finite element techniques
W.A. Caven,E.S. Gillespie, November 1993

A technique for multipaction analysis based on finite element modeling of the electromagnetic fields within a device is demonstrated. A multipaction device is modeled with HFSS to determine the field solution for use in multipaction analysis. The resultant field magnitudes within the critical gap region were compared with the measured breakdown events for 4 different gap sizes of the device. The relationship between the scattering coefficient convergence and field solution convergence is examined, and some indicators of the latter are established. The correlation between the data and the predictions indicates that the technique represents s reasonable analytical tool for such analysis.

Breaking the lambda/2 resolution limit using spherical microwave holography
M.G. Guler,D.N. Black, E.B. Joy, J.W. Epple, R.E. Wilson, November 1993

Progress in Georgia Tech's research in Near-Field Spherical Microwave Holography (NFSMH) is reported. Previously, the amplitude resolution of Spherical Microwave Holography (SMH) was defined and demonstrated. The definition of resolution has been altered to include phase resolution. The resolution of phase is shown to be equivalent to the resolution of amplitude, and both depend on the highest mode order used in the spherical wave expansion. Previous measurements showed that SMH can easily achieve x/2 phase resolution where X refers to free space wavelengths. Current measurements show that the X/2 resolution limit of planar microwave holography can be surpassed by using evanescent energy in the NSMFH technique. Measurements of small, closely spaced, insertion phase defects placed on a hemispheric ally shaped radome are used to demonstrate the improved resolution. The measurement of evanescent energy is achieved by using a specially designed small aperture probe and a small separation distance between small aperture probe and a small separation distance between the radome surface and the measurement surface. The relationship between measured and theoretical insertion phase of a known radome defect is shown. Given the defect size and the maximum mode order used in the spherical wave expansion, measured insertion phase can be used to predict the actual defects electrical thickness.

Characterization and modelling of conducting polymer composites and their exploitation in microwave absorbing materials
B. Chambers,A.P. Anderson, P.V. Wright, T.C.P. Wong, November 1993

Composites of the electrically conducting polymer polypyrrole with paper, cotton cloth and polyester fabrics have been evaluated for use in radar absorbing structures. Reflectively measurements on the composites in the range 8-18 GHz and transmission line modelling have revealed impedance characteristics with a common transition region. Relationships between substrate material, polymer loading and electrical performance have been explored. Polarization characteristics have also been measured. The electrical model has been successful in predicting the performance of Salisbury screen and Jaumann multi-layer designs of RAM.

Use of an infrared camera system in the analysis of phased array boresight errors, The
R.P. Gray,J.J. Kosch, November 1993

The use of electronically scanned phased array antennas in demanding rolls such as satellite communications and radar systems has led to an increasing desire to analyze the sources of error present in the boresight alignment of such systems. Not the least among these errors are those introduced by thermal effects on the various components which comprise the array structure. In an effort to understand this mechanism, this paper will discuss a technique which uses an infrared camera system to analyze the beam deflection errors caused by the effects of temperature gradients present in the antenna system.

Prediction of phased array antenna sidelobe performance based on element pattern statistics
H.M. Aumann,F.G. Willwerth, November 1993

Phased array antenna sidelobe levels are evaluated based on the statistics of the differences in element patterns. It is shown that the differences can be treated as random errors. The standard formula for predicting the average sidelobe level of an array due to random errors is valid if the interaction between the element patterns and the excitation function is taken into account. Sidelobes of a linear array with a variety of near-field perturbations are considered. The statistics indicate that for an N-element array, adaptive calibrations may lower the average sidelobe level by a factor of N.

Design of triad steering antenna arrays for the testing of monopulse antenna seeker systems
J. Land, November 1993

This paper deals with the development of an approach to the design of triad steering antenna arrays which are used in anechoic chambers for hardware-in-the-loop testing of monopulse antenna seeker systems. In the design of a large array, such as those used for hardware-in-the-loop of guided weapons, it is important to optimize the array element spacing. An excessively narrow spacing results in an unreasonable number of required antennas and increased cost, while an excessively wide spacing will induce angle measurement errors in the seeker under test which can be significant. The specific objective of this effort is to quantitatively describe the monopulse discriminant efforts which result when a non-planar field, radiated by an antenna triad, illuminates a monopulse seeker under test. The approach to this problem is to calculate the triad field at the aperture of the monopulse seeker assuming various levels of triad element phase and amplitude error. Using this illumination field and the illumination function of the monopulse antenna, the resulting sum and difference patterns are calculated along with the monopulse discriminant. Software has been developed to perform these calculations. The resulting patterns are compared with the ideal far field pattern and the discriminant bias, or angle measurement error, is quantified.

Transverse pattern comparison method for characterizing antenna and RCS compact ranges, The
S. Brumley, November 1993

This paper briefly reviews existing compact range performance characterization methods showing the limitations of each technique and the need for an accepted and well understood technique which provides efficient and accurate characterization of compact range measurement accuracy. A technique known as the transverse pattern comparison method is then described which has been practiced by the author and some range users for the past several years. The method is related to the well known longitudinal pattern comparison method, however, comparisons are conducted in the transverse planes where the required span of aperture displacement is much smaller and does not exceed the dimensions of the quiet zone. This method provides several advantages for characterizing compact range performance as well as enables range users to improve achievable measurement accuracies by eliminating the impact of extraneous signal errors in the quiet zone.

Antenna pattern measurement errors evaluation at the INTA compensated compact range
P.L. Garcia-Muller,J-L. Cano, November 1993

The plane wave quality of a compact range (CR) is usually specified in terms of the crosspolar level and the magnitude and phase ripple in the test zone. The way these deviations from the ideal plane wave affect the measurement of different antenna types can be treated by the application of the reciprocity principle between the transmitting and receiving antenna in a measurement set-up. By the application of the sampling theorem, it is found that the measured antenna pattern can be expressed as a summation of the plane wave spectrum components of the field at the test zone weighted by the true radiation pattern of the antenna under test (AUT) evaluated at the CR plane wave directions in the rotated coordinate system of the AUT. The inverse procedure can be used to extract the CR plane wave information (and therefore the CR field at the test zone by means of the Fourier series) from the measurement of a standard antenna with a known radiation pattern.

Novel APC-methods for accurate pattern determination
J. van Norel,V.J. Vokurka, November 1993

Antenna pattern measurements are dominantly influenced by the presence of extraneous fields in the test zone. A fast and simple way to recognize problems in pattern measurements provides the Antenna Pattern Comparison-technique (APC). This method usually consists of recording azimuthal patterns on different positions across the test zone. Differences in the amplitude data give a rough indication for the magnitude of the interfering signal. The "Novel APC-method" (NAPC) employs both amplitude- and phase-data so that it becomes possible to separate the direct and the extraneous signals from each other. It will be shown that this method is eminently suited to correct radiation patterns of high-gain and low-sidelobe antennas. For verification purposes corrected patterns are compared with time-dated ones and the resemblance is excellent. It is concluded that the NAPC-method is promising and powerful technique for accurate antenna pattern determination, mainly because it can be easily implemented for most applications.

Dynamic Radar Cross Section Measurements
James Tuttle, November 1993

Unique instrumentation is required for dynamic (in-flight) measurements of aircraft radar cross section (RCS), jammer-to-signal (J/S), or chaff signature. The resulting scintillation of the radar echo of a dynamic target requires special data collection and processing techniques to ensure the integrity of RCS measurements. Sufficient data in each resolution aspect cell is required for an accurate representation of the target's signature. Dynamic RCS instrumentation location, flight profiles, data sampling rates, and number of simultaneous measurements at different frequencies are important factors in determining flight time. The Chesapeake Test Range (CTR), NAVAIRWARCENACDIV, Patuxent River, Maryland, is a leader in quality dynamic in-flight RCS, J/S ratio, and chaff measurements of air vehicles. The facility is comprised of several integrated range facilities including range control, radar tracking, telemetry, data acquisition, and real-time data processing and display.

Modeling System Reflections To Quantify RCS Measurement Errors
Azar S. Ali, November 1993

RCS measurement accuracy is degraded by reflections occurring between the feed antenna, the range, and the radar subsystem. These reflections produce errors which appear in the image domain (both 1-D and 2-D). The errors are proportional to the RCS magnitude of the target under test and they are present in each of the typical range calibration measurements. Current 2-term error models do not predict or account for the above errors. An improved 8-term error model is developed to do so. The model is based on measurable reflections and losses within the range, the feed antenna, and the radar. By combining the improved error model with the commonly used 2-term RCS range calibration equation, we are able to quantify the residual RCS errors. The improved error model is validated with measured results on a direct illumination range and is used to develop specific techniques which can improve RCS measurement accuracy.

Calibration of mismatch errors in antenna gain measurements
J. McLaughlin (Hewlett-Packard Company),R. Shoulders (Hewlett-Packard Company), November 1992

This paper describes a calibration technique for reducing the errors due to mismatch between the measurement receiver and the antenna in microwave antenna relative gain measurements. In addition, this technique provides an accurate method for measuring the input return loss of the antenna under test. In this technique, a microwave reflectometer is mounted between the measurement receiver and the antenna test port. The reflectometer is calibrated and used to measure the return loss of both the test and calibration antennas. Using this information in conjunction with the HP 8530A antenna gain calibration, the corrected gain of the antenna under test is computed. Compact range antenna measurements verifying the calibration model and error analysis are presented. Practical implementation considerations are discussed.

Estimation of RMS surface error in compact range reflectors
I.J. Gupta (The Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory),S.H. Suleiman (The Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory), W.D. Burnside (The Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory), November 1992

A method to estimate the rms error in the compact range reflector surface is presented. The method uses the target zone field of the reflector and is based on the fact that the random errors in the reflector surface cause energy to subtract from the main beam resulting in reduction of the axial gain. The reduction in the axial gain can be used to estimate the rms error. It is shown that if the target zone fields of the reflector are probed at high frequencies such that the irregularities in the reflector surface are the main source of error in the target zone fields, then the proposed technique gives a good estimate of the rms error in the reflector surface.

Target positioning error effects on RCS magnitude and phase responses in ISAR data
G. Fliss (Environmental Research Institute of Michigan),I. LaHaie (Environmental Research Institute of Michigan), W. Nagy (Environmental Research Institute of Michigan), November 1992

Coherent subtraction algorithms, such as specular subtraction, require precision target alignment with the imaging radar. A few degrees of phase change could significantly degrade the performance of coherent subtraction algorithms. This paper provides an analysis of target position measurement errors have on ISAR data. The paper addresses how traditional position errors impact phase and image focusing. Target rotational positioning errors are also evaluated for their impact on magnitude errors from specular misalignment and polarization sensitive scattering and image phase errors from height-of-focus limitations. Several tables of data provide a useful reference to ISAR data experimenters and users.

A Certification plan for a planar near-field range used for high-performance phased-array testing
M.H. Francis (National Institute of Standards and Technology),A. Repjar (National Institute of Standards and Technology), D. Kremer (National Institute of Standards and Technology), November 1992

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has written a certification plan to ensure that a proposed planar near-field facility is capable of measuring high-performance phased arrays. Generally for a complete plan, one must evaluate many aspects including scanner alignment, near-field probe alignment, alignment of the antenna under test, RF crosstalk, probe position errors RF path variations, the receiver's dynamic range and linearity, leakage, probe-antenna multiple reflections, truncation effects, aliasing, system drift, room multipath, insertion loss measurements, noise, and software verification. In this paper, we discuss some of the important aspects of the certification plan specifically written for the measurement of high-performance phased-array antennas. Further, we show how the requirements of each aspect depend on the measurement accuracies needed to verify the performance array under test.

Error simulation, estimation and correction in probe corrected planar near field antenna measurements
A. Lopez (Polytechnic University of Madrid ),J. Molina (Polytechnic University of Madrid ), J.L. Besada (Polytechnic University of Madrid ), November 1992

A Planar Near Field to Far Field (PNF/FF) Transformation Program has been developed. This PNF/FF package includes probe correction, spectral filtering, position errors correction and sampled data expansion. In order to evaluate how measurement system errors affect PNF/FF transformation results, a whole set of simulation routines have also been implemented. In this paper, main modules of the PNF/FF package are discussed and error simulation models together with correction routines are described.

A High Speed Fiber Optic Remote Receiver Link for Improved Antenna Measurements
Gerard J. Matyas (ORBIT Advanced Technologies, Inc.), November 1992

The remote capability of the ORBIT AL-8000-5 Microwave Receiver is described. The use of a high speed fiber optic link between the remote receiver and the control room unit allows range distances of up to 19,000 feet. With repeaters, the range distance limitation is removed. This eliminates many of the distance cable and EMI problems associated with receivers which use a remote LO. The small size and weight of the remote unit, allow the system to be mounted on the probe carriage of near-field scanner systems. This eliminates the high frequency phase errors as well as the phase error due to cable bending and temperature variation during the measurement. The result is a lower cost and more accurate measurement system. The advantages of this type of remote system are discussed for both near-field and far-field applications. Measurement data which show the performance of the fiber-optic system are presented. A description and pictures of recent installations are to be provided.

A Hilbert transform based receiver post processor
D. Slater (Nearfield Systems Incorporated), November 1991

This paper describes a software based receiver post processor that corrects circularity and gain errors in coherent receivers. The receiver post processor additionally provides range gating capabilities, signal quality estimation, mixer non-linearity detection and various display functions. This paper will concentrate primarily on the identification of circularity errors by the receiver post processor.

Ramp sweep accuracy of RCS measurements using the HP 8530A
R. Shoulders (Hewlett-Packard), November 1991

The frequency accuracy of the HP 8530A receiver and HP 8360 Series synthesizers in ramp sweep is measured using a delay line discriminator. The effect of the frequency error on measurement accuracy is derived for radar cross section (RCS) measurements of one and two point constant-amplitude, scatterers and for background subtraction. The results of swept and synthesized frequency measurements are compared, showing that the errors due to ramp sweep are negligibly small for practical RCS measurements.

Swept frequency gain measurements from 33 to 50 GHz at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
M.H. Francis (National Institute of Standards and Technology),R.C. Wittmann (National Institute of Standards and Technology), November 1991

As part of an effort to provide improved measurement services at frequencies above 30 GHz, scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have completed development of a swept frequency gain measurement service for the 33-50 GHz band. This service gives gain values with an accuracy of ± 0.3 dB. In this paper we discuss an example measurement and the associated errors.
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