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Cylindrical Near-Field Alignment Errors at Frequencies Over 18 GHz
C.D. Spellman (Radio Frequency Systems), November 2001

This paper investigates the effect of alignment errors on near-field cylindrical ranges at frequencies over 18 GHz. This is of particular interest because the small probe sizes and wavelengths above 18 GHz can make the alignment of the near-field system a difficult task. Previous probe alignment investigations have been done at frequencies below 18 GHz. This paper will determine if the conclusions from the previous work are valid at higher frequencies and will expand on that previous work. Measured data will be presented to demonstrate the effect of the probe axis not intersecting the azimuth axis as well as the probe not being orthogonal to the azimuth axis of rotation.

Antenna Gain Measurement Errors Due to Finite Source Axial Ratio
P.I. Kolesnikoff, November 2000

This paper will explore the effects of the source antenna's axial ration on the apparent gain of an Antenna Under Test (AUT). A technique will be given to correct these errors. Finally, experimental test results will be given.

Accuracy Estimation of Microwave Holography From Planar Near-Field Measurements
C.A. Rose, November 2000

Microwave holography is a popular method for diagnosis and alignment of phased array antennas. Holography, commonly known in the near-field measurement community as "back­ transformation", is a method that allows computation of the primary (aperture) fields from the secondary (far-zone) fields. This technique requires the far-zone fields to be known over a complete hemisphere and adequately sampled on a regular spaced grid in K-space. The holography technique, while known to be mathematically valid, is subject to errors just as all measurements are. Surprisingly, very little work has been done to quantify the accuracy of the procedure in the presence of known measurement errors. It is unreasonable to think that the amplitude and phase of the array elements can be trimmed to better than the uncertainty of the back-transformed amplitude and phase. This makes it difficult for an antenna engineer to determine the achievable resolution in the measurement and calibration of a phased array antenna. This study reports the results of an empirical characterization of known errors in the holography process. A numerical model of the near-field measurement and holography process has been developed and many test cases examined in an effort to isolate and characterize individual errors commonly found in planar microwave holography. From this work, an error budget can be developed for the measurement of a specific antenna.

Impact of Alignment Errors on Cylindrical Near-Field Antenna Measurements, The
D.J. Van Rensburg,A. Newell, M. Hagenbeek, November 2000

This paper addresses the sensitivity of the cylindrical near-field technique to some of the critical alignment parameters. Measured data is presented to demonstrate the effect of errors in the radial distance parameter and probe alignment errors. Far-field measurements taken on a planar near-field range are used as reference. The results presented here form the first qualitative data demonstrating the impact of alignment errors on a cylindrical near-field measurement. A preliminary conclusion is that the radial distance accuracy requirement may not be as crucial as was stated in the past. This paper also shows how the NSI data acquisition system allows one to conduct such parametric studies in an automated way.

Application of the NIST 18 Term Error Model to Cylindrical Near-Field Antenna Measurements
A.C. Newell,D. Lee, November 2000

This paper describes error analysis and measurement techniques that have been developed specifically for cylindrical near-field measurements. A combination of analysis and computer simulation is used to show the comparison between planar and cylindrical probe correction. Error estimates are derived for both the pattern and probe polarization terms. The analysis is also extended to estimate the effect of position errors. The cylindrical measurement geometry is very useful for evaluating the effect of room scattering from very wide angles since scans can cover 360 degrees in azimuth. Using a broad beam AUT and scanning over a large y-range provides almost full spherical coverage. Comparison with planar measurements with similar accuracy is presented.

Algorithms for High-Precision Two-Dimensional ISAR Imaging on an Outdoor Turntable Range
G.A. Showman,M.A. Richards, November 2000

Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging on a turntable-tower test range permits convenient generation of high resolution two- and three­ dimensional of radar targets under controlled conditions, typically for characterization of the radar cross section of targets or to provide data for testing SAR image processing and automatic target recognition algorithms. However, turntable ISAR images suffer zero-Doppler clutter (ZDC) artifacts and near-field errors not found in the airborne SAR images they seek to emulate. In this paper, we begin by reviewing a technique to suppress ZDC while minimizing effects on the target signature. Next, turntable ISAR images of a vehicle formed at Georgia Tech's Electromagnetic Test Facility are used to demonstrate a computationally-efficient implementation of a backprojection (BP) image former. BP-formed ISAR images are free of all first­ order near-field errors. Finally, images generated using these techniques are compared to images obtained using electromagnetic prediction codes.

Target Support Interaction Errors in RCS Measurements
K.V. Sickles, November 2000

Recently there has been a large effort to improve RCS range performance. Reducing errors associated with an RCS measurement requires the identification of stray signal sources, highly accurate calibration, and an understanding of the target mount interactions. This paper will illustrate the potential errors resulting from target mount interaction. A complex RCS target of generic shapes was designed to illustrate target support interactions. Target features include a front wedge shape, a rear circular shape and a vertical fin. All the target features are separable in time using a 2-18 Ghz measurement system. The target features were designed to strongly interact with the ogival pylon. Measurements using the metal ogival support show strong interactions resulting from the shadowing effect produced by the metal ogival pylon. The measurements were repeated using a foam column mount. Since the foam column interacts much less strongly than the metal ogive, the foam column results are much more accurate.

Near-Field V/UHF Antenna-Array Based RCS Measreument Technique, A
S. Morvan,P. Naud, S. Vermersch, Y. Chevalier, November 2000

Radar Cross Section measurements require the target to be in the far field of the illuminating and receiving antennas. Such requirements are met in a compact range in the SHF band, but problems arise when trying to measure at lower frequencies. Typically, below 500 MHz, compact ranges are no more efficient, and one should only rely upon direct illumination. In this case, the wavefront is spherical and the field in the quiet zone is not homogeneous. Furthermore, unwanted reflections from the walls are strong due to the poor efficiency of absorbing materials at these frequencies, so the measurement that can be made have no longer something to see with RCS, especially with large targets. We first propose a specific array antenna to minimize errors caused by wall reflections in the V-UHF band for small and medium size targets. Then an original method based upon the same array technology is proposed that allows to precisely measure the RCS of large targets. The basic idea is to generate an electromagnetic field such that the response of the target illuminated with this field is the actual RCS of the target. This is achieved by combining data collected when selecting successively each element of the array as a transmitter, and successively each other element of the array as a receiver. Simulations with a MoM code and measurements proving the validity of the method are presented.

Active Array High-Power Superposition Near-Field Measurement Technique: Results, Analysis, and Practical Considerations
P. Couper,K. Thompson, R. Davis, T. Barnes, November 2000

High Power Superposition (HPS) is a method for measuring high power active array antennas in the transmit mode using the near-field technique. Due to the substantial field emitted by array antennas it is not practical, due to safety reasons, to power all of the elements at once. Therefore, the nearfield of smaller element groups are measured individually and the results are added together using complex mathematics. This forms the mathematical equivalent of the full power nearfiield, which is then processed using conventional near-field techniques. The results from the HPS testing method will be discussed with consideration of all the errors introduced. In addition requirements, issues, and solutions for accurate HPS testing will be discussed.

Ground Bounce Reduction Using a Tapered Resistive Sheet Fence
Y. Kim,E.K. Walton, November 2000

One problem in a RCS ground bounce range is that the direct signal can be interfered with by the ground reflected signal. The undesired ground bounce signal will cause errors in the RCS measurement. This paper presents a study of ground bounce reduction using a tapered and stepped resistive sheet fence. In order to show that the proposed R-card fence technique can reduce the ground reflected signal significantly, both experimental and theoretical studies are performed. The resistance of the R-card varies based on a Kaiser-Bessel taper function. The experimentall results with and without the R-card fence show that the ground reflected signal can be attenuated by about 20dB. Both vertical and horizontal polarization cases are considered. This paper also the results of a simulation using NEC-BSC (Numerical Electromagnetic Code - Basic Scattering Code, developed at The Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory). Comparison of the results between measurements and simulations will be shown in this paper.

NFR Cross Polarized Pattern Errors Using a Linear Probe to Measure a Circularly Polarized Antenna
W.G. Scott,R.E. Wilson, November 2000

For greatest efficiency and accuracy in measuring patterns of a circularly polarized antenna on a planar near field range (NFR), a recommended procedure is to use a fast switched, dual circularly polarized probe. With such equipment one obtains complete pattern and polarization data from a single scan of the antenna aperture. For our task of measuring high gain shaped beam apertures, measurement efficiency is further improved by using a moderately high gain (about 12 dBi) probe that has been accurately calibrated for patterns, polarization, and gain over the test frequency band. Such a probe allows scan data point spacing to be typically at least one wavelength, thus keeping scan time minimized with acceptably small aliasing (data spacing) error. The measured near field amplitude and phase data is transformed via computer to produce the angular spectrum that is further processed to remove the effect of the probe patterns, i.e. probe correction. The final output is a set of (principal and cross) circular­ polarized far field patterns. However on one occasion, due to fast breaking changes in requirements, we were unable to obtain a calibrated circular polarized probe in the available time. For this test we used an available calibrated 12 dBi fast-switched dual linear-polarized probe with software capable of processing principal and cross circular-polarized far field patterns. As anticipated, we found from preliminary tests that the predicted low cross-polarized shaped beam pattern was not achieved when using the calibrated fast Ku band probe switch. Further tests showed the problem to be due to small errors in calibration of the probe switch. This paper will discuss test and analysis details of this problem and methods of solution.

Experiments on a Phase Retrieval Method In Near Field Antenna Measurement of a 90 GHz Offset Reflector Antenna
M. Takabayashi,J. Inatani, S. Makino, T. Nishibori, Y. Tamai, November 2000

We evaluate radiation characteristics of a millimeter wave reflector antenna by using two sets of phaseless data measured in its near field. This is called a near­ field phase retrieval method (NFPRM). To apply this method to millimeter or submillimeter antennas, we have to pay more attention to the relations how the estimation errors and convergence are affected by the interval of two planes and SIN ratios of the measurements. This is because the difference between the two measured amplitude distributions is usually very small. In this paper, this method is applied to a case for 90-GHz reflector antenna with an extremely small interval between the two planes. The results show some clear correlation between the estimation errors and measurement conditions.

Phaseless and Conventional Planar Near-Field Antenna Measurements: Effects of Random and Systematic Probe Position Errors
R.G. Yaccarino,Y. Rahmat-Samii, November 2000

Considerable progress has recently been made in the application of phase retrieval methods for phaseless near-field antenna measu rements. These techniques have sufficiently matured so that accurate antenna measurements can be performed when the phase information is either unavailable or inaccurate. A comparison of conventional (amplitude and phase) and phaseless (amplitude only) planar near-field measurements for non-ideal measuring probe locations is examined via simulated array antenna case studies involving both random and systematic errors. It will be demonstrated that the presented phase retrieval algorithm can more accurately reproduce the true pattern of the antenna under test because of the diminished sensitivity of the amplitude of the near­ field, as compared to the phase, with respect to the measuring probe locations. This phase retrieval approach requires no knowledge of the actual measurement locations, other than the nominal location of the two required measurement planes, and is suitable for relatively large probe position errors.

Precision Positioner Alignment Techniques for Spherical Near Field Antenna Measurements Using Laser Alignment Tools
J.A. Fordhma,D. Kremer, J. Proctor, November 2000

The majority of precision spherical positioner alignment techniques used today are based on procedures that were developed in the 1970's around the use of precision levels and auto-collimation transits. Electrical alignment techniques based on the phase and amplitude of the antenna under test are also used, but place unwanted limitations on accurately characterizing an antenna's electrical/mechanical boresight relationship. Both of these techniques can be very time consuming. The electrical technique requires operator interpretations of data obtained from amplitude and phase measurements. The auto­collimation technique requires operator interpretations of optically viewed measurement data. These results are therefore typically operator dependent and the resulting error quantification can be inaccurate. MI Technologies has recently developed a mechanical alignment technique for Spherical Near-Field antenna measurements using a tracking laser interferometer system. Once the laser system has been set-up and stabilized in the operational environment; the entire spherical near-field alignment may be completed in a few hours, as compared to the much more lengthy techniques used with level/transit or electrical techniques. This technique also simplifies the quantification of the errors due to the inaccuracy of the alignment. This paper will discuss the effect of the alignment error on results obtained from spherical near-field measurements, and the procedures MI Technologies developed using a tracking laser interferometer system to obtain the precision alignment needed for a spherical near-field measurement.

Implementation of an Advanced User-Interface to Enhance Efficiency in Antenna Measurement and Analysis, The
E. Blasberg,R. Braun, S. Dreizin, November 2000

A software's user-interface design determines how productive someone will be in a accomplishing a given task. This is particularly true in the area of antenna measurement and analysis. The MiDAS software package is used as an example of how software can be specifically designed to focus on enhancing efficiency by implementing an advanced human-machine interlace. Simple yet critical aspects such as minimized menu access, integrated, user friendly error checking and help, and clear, consistent, and integrated features help to improve productivity, reduce errors and save time. In addition, design principles such as having only one interface for all antenna measurement disciplines (e.g., near-field and far-field), reduces the time needed for training which, in turn, lowers costs. This paper explores how the implementation of such a user­ interface can be used as a paradigm for increasing efficiency in the field of antenna measurement and analysis.

Progress in Characterizing Measurement Uncertainty for the National RCS Test Facility
E.I. LeBaron,B.E. Fischer, I.J. LaHaie, R.F. Fahlsing, R.J. Jost, November 2000

As a result of Government and Industry RCS Teaming, initial RCS range certification exercises are underway. One critical element of certification exercises is the modeling and characterization of error terms according to the unique properties and requirements of individual RCS ranges, and the development of a method for propagating these errors into overall RCS measurement uncertainty. Previously, we presented the statistical model for the case where errors are grouped into multiplicative and additive classes, as well as a robust methodology for the propagation of errors in both the signal space and RCS (dBsm) domains [1-3]. Initial data at the National RCS Test Facility (NRTF) RAMS site located in the White Sands Missile Range near Holloman AFB, NM, have been collected for range certification exercises. Preliminary analysis has been accomplished on certain dominant error terms for calibration uncertainty characterization only. A general approach [7] has been followed here, with the exception that multiplicative and additive error terms are treated separately. In addition, only variance effects are treated (not bias). This paper is a status of work in progress. The ultimate goal of this work is the full implementation of previously described concepts [1-3]. We plan to demonstrate an improved ability to capture the effects of both error bias and variance (as has been demonstrated mathematically to date) using a more complete set of data collections.

Uncertainties in Dynamic Sphere Radar Cross Section Data
L.A. Muth,W. Sefcik, November 2000

This is a report on work in progress to understand the wide variations in sphere calibration data observed on dynamic radar cross section measurement ranges. The magnitude of these fluctuations indicate an uncertainty of greater than 2 dB in some cases. The range of fluctuations in the received power (which is well beyond fluctuation due to received noise) underlines the need for a thorough understanding of sources of uncertainties in dynamic radar cross section measurements. In addition to the fluctuations, we observe a systematic error with respect to the mean of the data segments, possibly due to drift, pointing errors and I or target-background interactions. Understanding the error mechanisms in these measurements allows us to reduce the overall uncertainty and to improve data quality.

Uncertainty Analysis of the Boeing 9-77 VHF RCS Range
I.J. LaHaie,A.M. Gillespie, D.P. Morgan, E.I. LeBaron, November 2000

Boeing is currently pursuing certification of their 9-77 indoor compact range facility as a voluntary industrial participant in the ongoing DoD/NIST RCS certification demonstration program. In support of that process, V­ EI has applied a novel statistical method for analysis to VHF measurements of a canonical target from the Boeing 9-77 range. The dominant error sources in the range were identified and categorized according to their dependence on frequency, aspect angle, and the target under test. Range characterization data were collected on canonical targets and then used to estimate the statistical parameters of each of the errors. Finally, these were incorporated into expressions for the combined RCS measurement uncertainty for a test body whose RCS exhibits many of the characteristics of modern, high-value targets. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of accounting for the target-dependence of the errors and the bias they introduce into the overall uncertainty.

Method to Simulate the Antenna Radiation Patterns Measured in a Compact Range
P.R. Rousseau, November 2000

An important source of error in a compact range antenna pattern measurement is the deviation of the quiet-zone field from the perfectly fiat amplitude and phase of a plane wave field. Although some guidelines and rules of thumb exist that relate the quiet-zone field to the error in the measured antenna patterns, the error or perturbation is dependent on the particular type of antenna that is being measured. For example, the non-ideal quiet­ zone field will produce very different errors for a small horn than for a large phased array. A realistic error budget or uncertainty analysis of the compact-range measurement requires knowledge of the antenna pattern uncertainty as a function of the quiet-zone field and the particular antenna of interest. A simulation method is derived using reciprocity that allows one to quantify the perturbations induced in a given antenna pattern when the quite-zone field distribution is known. This is particularly useful, since one typically has a fair estimate of the antenna pattern and has measured data of the quiet-zone field. The simulation is tested by modelling the antenna as a collection of elemental current sources and simulating the quiet-zone field as generated by elemental current sources. Using this simple simulation model, a closed-form near-field antenna pattern may be calculated for comparison with the more general computer simulation derived from reciprocity.

Error Statistics in RF Measurements
R.B. Dybdal, November 1999

Error budget projections of measurement accuracy require statistical descriptions of the individual error sources. Thermal noise errors are well known and commonly used. Such statistics, however, have a zero mean Gaussian distribution and sadly are misapplied to the distributions of other error sources. The class of coherent RF errors, for example, has non-zero mean values and variances that differ from Gaussian values. Such statistics are described.
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