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NAPS: Non-Invasive Array Prognostic System
R.S. Smith,K. Thompson, P. Coupler, P. Davis, W.R. Wortman, November 2000

A diagnostic/prognostic method for phased-array antennas has been developed which uses a single, fixed­ position RF probe to detect and identify faulty array elements as the array operates normally. After system calibration, zero array down time is required. A fiber­optic RF probe which allows implementation of the technique while negligibly affecting array operation and performance, has also been developed. The system has been demonstrated both in various computer simulations of arrays to over 1000 elements and in recent experimental tests at NSWC, Crane, IN. Identified faults include array elements which were off, stuck at constant phase, low in power, including both single faults and large numbers of simultaneous faults. An RF radiating probe (a fiber-optic version of which has also been demonstrated) can be used to diagnose array receive mode operation. Results of both the simulations and the tests are reported along with the design of the fiber-optic probe.

Calibration of Range Probe Data for Stray Signal Analysis
T.D. Moore,I.J. Gupta, November 2000

A model-based approach is presented to estimate the desired planar wavefront (DPW) component in range probe data. The estimated DPW component at the center of the quiet zone can be used effectively to calibrate frequency domain range probe data. The calibration is required when the range probe data is used for stray signal analysis. Using a simulated range probe data set and an experimental range probe data set, it is shown that the model-based DPW estimate is better than the DPW estimate obtained using simple smoothing. This is especially true at low frequencies where the quiet zone of a range is limited to 5-6 wavelengths.

NFR Cross Polarized Pattern Errors Using a Linear Probe to Measure a Circularly Polarized Antenna
W.G. Scott,R.E. Wilson, November 2000

For greatest efficiency and accuracy in measuring patterns of a circularly polarized antenna on a planar near field range (NFR), a recommended procedure is to use a fast switched, dual circularly polarized probe. With such equipment one obtains complete pattern and polarization data from a single scan of the antenna aperture. For our task of measuring high gain shaped beam apertures, measurement efficiency is further improved by using a moderately high gain (about 12 dBi) probe that has been accurately calibrated for patterns, polarization, and gain over the test frequency band. Such a probe allows scan data point spacing to be typically at least one wavelength, thus keeping scan time minimized with acceptably small aliasing (data spacing) error. The measured near field amplitude and phase data is transformed via computer to produce the angular spectrum that is further processed to remove the effect of the probe patterns, i.e. probe correction. The final output is a set of (principal and cross) circular­ polarized far field patterns. However on one occasion, due to fast breaking changes in requirements, we were unable to obtain a calibrated circular polarized probe in the available time. For this test we used an available calibrated 12 dBi fast-switched dual linear-polarized probe with software capable of processing principal and cross circular-polarized far field patterns. As anticipated, we found from preliminary tests that the predicted low cross-polarized shaped beam pattern was not achieved when using the calibrated fast Ku band probe switch. Further tests showed the problem to be due to small errors in calibration of the probe switch. This paper will discuss test and analysis details of this problem and methods of solution.

1.56 THz Spot Scanning Radar Range for Fully Polarimetric W-Band Scale Model Measurements
G.B. A. DeMartinis,J. Waldman, M. Coulombe, T.M. Goyette, W. Nixon, November 2000

A radar transceiver operating at 1.56 THz has recently been developed to obtain coherent, fully polarimetric W-band (98 GHz) RCS images of 1:16 scale model targets. The associated optical system operates by a scanning a small focused beam of swept­ frequency radiation across a scale model to resolve individual scattering centers and obtain the scaled RCS values for the centers. Output from a tunable microwave source (10 - 17 GHz) is mixed with narrow band submillimeter-wave radiation in a Schottky diode mixer to produce the chirped transmit signal. Two high-frequency Schottky diode mixers are used for reception of the V-pol and H-pol receive states, with a fourth mixer providing a system phase reference. The full 2x2 polarization scattering matrix (PSM) for each resolved center is obtained following off-line data processing. Measurement examples of five simple calibration objects and a tank are presented.

Assessment of the NIST DoD RCS Demonstration Project, An
L.A. Muth, November 2000

During the last 6 years scientists at NIST have been focusing on radar cross section (RCS) measurements to improve RCS uncertainty analysis, and to develop new measurement and calibration artifacts and procedures. In addition, NIST has been asked to provide technical support to the DoD RCS self-certification effort. In this talk I review the technical accomplishments of the program, and will make suggestions for future research to improve RCS calibration and measurement technology. I will also present the structure of the certi­ fication process, and discuss NIST's role in the ongoing certification activities.

Progress in Characterizing Measurement Uncertainty for the National RCS Test Facility
E.I. LeBaron,B.E. Fischer, I.J. LaHaie, R.F. Fahlsing, R.J. Jost, November 2000

As a result of Government and Industry RCS Teaming, initial RCS range certification exercises are underway. One critical element of certification exercises is the modeling and characterization of error terms according to the unique properties and requirements of individual RCS ranges, and the development of a method for propagating these errors into overall RCS measurement uncertainty. Previously, we presented the statistical model for the case where errors are grouped into multiplicative and additive classes, as well as a robust methodology for the propagation of errors in both the signal space and RCS (dBsm) domains [1-3]. Initial data at the National RCS Test Facility (NRTF) RAMS site located in the White Sands Missile Range near Holloman AFB, NM, have been collected for range certification exercises. Preliminary analysis has been accomplished on certain dominant error terms for calibration uncertainty characterization only. A general approach [7] has been followed here, with the exception that multiplicative and additive error terms are treated separately. In addition, only variance effects are treated (not bias). This paper is a status of work in progress. The ultimate goal of this work is the full implementation of previously described concepts [1-3]. We plan to demonstrate an improved ability to capture the effects of both error bias and variance (as has been demonstrated mathematically to date) using a more complete set of data collections.

Uncertainties in Dynamic Sphere Radar Cross Section Data
L.A. Muth,W. Sefcik, November 2000

This is a report on work in progress to understand the wide variations in sphere calibration data observed on dynamic radar cross section measurement ranges. The magnitude of these fluctuations indicate an uncertainty of greater than 2 dB in some cases. The range of fluctuations in the received power (which is well beyond fluctuation due to received noise) underlines the need for a thorough understanding of sources of uncertainties in dynamic radar cross section measurements. In addition to the fluctuations, we observe a systematic error with respect to the mean of the data segments, possibly due to drift, pointing errors and I or target-background interactions. Understanding the error mechanisms in these measurements allows us to reduce the overall uncertainty and to improve data quality.

Accuracy and Calculation Sensitivity for AFRL Squat Cylinder RCS Calibration Standards
B.M. Kent,K.C. Hill, W.D. Wood, November 2000

(U) Precise radar cross-section (RCS) calibration are needed for all RCS measurement facilities. In 1996, AFRL began to advocate the use of a series of precision, short cylinder RCS calibration standards, demonstrating consistently greater accuracy than traditional sphere targets. Previous AMTA publications [1,2,3,4] demonstrated the overall measurement fidelity of these targets. However, questions regarding the accuracy and stability of the numerical RCS solutions to these cylinders continue to be raised. This paper will strictly and thoroughly examine the accuracy of several numerical techniques used to predict the AFRL calibration cylinder RCS, and will examine such "real world" issues as gridding sensitivity, conductivity vanat1ons, frequency bandwidth, and practical manufacturing tolerances.

RCS Uncertainty Analysis & Calibration Report for AFRL RCS Calibration Cylinders, An
B.M. Welsh,A.L. Buterbaugh, B.M. Kent, W.G. Forster, November 2000

In order to have definitive measurement traceability according to, ANSI-Z-540, a radar cross section measurement facility must have solid traceability to a known and accepted measurement standard. The Air Force Research Laboratory choose short right circular cylinders as calibration standards for their facilities. We describe a general RCS uncertainty analysis technique, and apply the method to our calibration standards to establish absolute traceability to a known standard. Though applied to cylinders in the current paper, the uncertainty method is general enough for any arbitrary target

Real-Time Far Field Antenna Measurement by Using A-MST Probe Arrays in the Focal Region of a Compact Range
Ph. Garreau,J.M. Lopez, K. Van't Klooster, P. Dumon, November 1999

This paper is focused on a recent installation of a probe array for direct far-field. measurement. Such an array has been installed in a well-established compact antenna test range at CNES called BCMA in Toulouse, France. It describes the interests of using such multi-sensor approach for characterizing directive antennas within far-field conditions without any mechanical movements. The paper shows how this facility has been dimensioned for operating over frequencies ranging from 7 GHz up to 15 GHz. Performances and general descriptions of both the probe array and its associated instrumentation will be given. A specific calibration procedure that has been studied and implemented is discussed and finally preliminary results are shown.

Calibration and Error Budget in RCS Measurements
L. Oldfield,C. Brewitt-Taylor, T. Elliott, November 1999

Uncertainty analysis for fundamental standards is mature, but the cost overhead has, until recently, prevented much of this work being taken up by the UK RCS measurement community. The requirement to verify the radar signature of new equipment has made it necessary to examine in detail the RCS measurement process and to create a methodology for error budgeting. The paper reviews some basic concepts in estimating uncertainties, and describes work on 'squat' cylinder calibration standards that have been manufactured following designs proposed at previous AMTA conferences. The moment method code CLASP has provided the basic theoretical solutions which have been verified on a compact range through reference to a precise 100mm spherical standard. The concept of multiple standard calibrations is discussed, and recommendations are made for overall error budgeting and the intercomparison of range types.

Interlaboratory Comparison Between the RCS Ranges at FOA Defence Research Establishment and Saab Dynamics, An
J. Lothegard,C. Larsson, C-G Svensson, J. Rahm, J. Rasmusson, J-O. Olsson, K. Brange, M. Andersson, N. Gustafsoon, O. Lunden, November 1999

An interlaboratory comparison is made between radar cross section (RCS) measurements at the test ranges at FOA Defence Research Establishment and SAAB Dynamics, Sweden. The comparison is made in order to increase the measurement and calibration quality at the ranges. An analysis of the deviations in the measured RCS data from the ranges provides a better understanding of the sources of errors. The RCS of two generic targets are measured at the X-band. The targets are simple airplane models, length and width are approximately 1.0 m, with no cavities. A brief comparison between some theoretical results and experimental RCS data are also presented.

Uncertainties in Dynamic Radar Cross Section Measurements
R. Renfro,B. Crock, November 1999

The U.S. Navy has considerable experience in the radar cross section (RCS) measurement of dynamic targets. An understanding of the possible error sources and their relative magnitudes is critical to obtaining accurate and repeatable results. In addition to the usual potential sources of error in RCS measurements of stationary items, considerations with dynamic targets include target range and angle tracking, calibration, and various environmental effects. The primary considerations are identified and discussed, and an error budget is developed for a particular test scenario.

Wideband Radar Echoes From Cylindrical Rods
P.S.P. Wei,A.W. Reed, E.F. Knott, November 1999

In order to assess the suitability of long thin metal rods as calibration devices for both co-polarized and cross-polarized (abbreviated as co-pol and x-pol) RCS measurements, we study RCS data from rods at broadside and compare them with 2D theoretical predictions. We find that the 45° tilt angle is optimum for calibration purposes. Near grazing incidence to a horizontal rod, the first traveling wave lobe in the HH pattern is a very prominent feature. Its angular location and amplitude have been measured as a function of frequency and compared with theory. A formerly unexplained error due to a contaminated calibration is identified.

Improvements in Static Radar Cross Section Calibration Processes and Artifacts -- Initial Measurement Results and Validation Through Inter-range Comparisons
B.M. Kent, November 1999

The accurate measurement of Radar Cross Section (RCS) requires precise calibration "artifacts" as well as carefully executed measurement procedures. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) reviewed several existing common RCS calibration artifact standards and practices, and identified a number of improvements. Employing a modified "dual calibration" check procedure pioneered by AFRL, this paper demonstrates improved RCS calibration fidelity for a wide variety of static RCS calibration measurement applications. Our calibration results are verified through an industrial inter-laboratory (range) measurement program employing selected calibration artifact standards.

Radar Cross Section Calibration Errors and Uncertainties
L.A. Muth, November 1999

To develop standards for radar cross section measurements a complete uncertainty analysis is needed. We derive the radar cross section error equation and examine sources of measurement errors that contribute to the overall uncertainty in calibrations and measurements. We obtain expressions for upper- and lower-bound errors and uncertainties that are generally valid for monostatic measurements on any unknown target using any standard calibration artifact. The general procedure can be extended to bistatic measurements. Some experimental procedures to determine the uncertainty due to background subtraction are presented and discussed.

Experimental Verification of the Control Circuit Encoding Technique for Calibration of Phased Array Antennas
D.S. Purdy,G.M. Kautz, J.M. Ashe, November 1999

The control circuit encoding (CCE) technique [1,2] has been proposed as a method of remotely calibrating a phased array antenna. This patented technique uses an orthogonal coding scheme to measure the amplitude and phase of all array elements simultaneously. The capacity to measure all elements simultaneously is more efficient than single element measurements since measurement time is minimized. This paper describes an experimental verification of the CCE technique. Accurate control of amplitude and phase distribution in an array is important because it allows for low sidelobe array designs that can be maintained over the life cycle of the system. Also discussed is our method for estimating statistics of calibration performance using a stepped null approach. The results demonstrate that the CCE method is a viable approach for calibrating a phased array.

Near Field Range Error at Off-Probe-Calibration Frequencies
R.E. Wilson,W.G. Scott, November 1999

Proper operation of a planar NFR (near field range) includes probe correction as part of the processing of the measured data to result in accurate far field angle patterns, particularly for low cross polarized patterns. The far field transform of the near field data produces the angular spectrum which is the product of the plane wave transmission coefficient pattern of the AUT (antenna under test) with the plane wave receiving coefficient pattern of the probe. Probe correction consists of dividing the angular spectrum by the complex probe angle pattern resulting in the pure far field pattern of the AUT [1]. For best accuracy of co and cross polarized AUT patterns one needs to use accurately measured probe complex co and cross polarized patterns in probe correction for each NFR test frequency. The most accurate probe measurements are usually obtained from specialized test laboratories. However, if the number of frequencies is large, this may create problems due to cost or schedule. Because of this it is typical to procure probe calibration at only a few frequencies spanning the test band for each AUT even though pattern measurements are needed at several additional frequencies falling between the calibration frequencies. A typical strategy at any given test frequency is to perform probe correction using the nearest-neighbor-frequency probe calibration data. This strategy produces some unknown error in the processed probe corrected far field patterns of the AUT at each non-calibrated frequency. Inthis paper we will show a method for estimating the non-calibrated frequency probe correction error for co and cross polarized patterns with examples.

Diagnostic Techniques for Verification of Planar Nearfield Range Used for Characterization of the ERIEYE AEW Phased Array Antennas
H. Eriksson, November 1999

The NIST 18 term error budget is used to estimate the magnitude of each individual source of error and then combine them to the total uncertainty for the planar nearlield range designed for antenna characterization of the ERIEYE Airborne Early Warning System. The ERIEYE AEW System consists of two large phased array antennas, one at each side of the Dorsal Unit which is located on the top of the airplane fuselage. T/R-modules are connected to the antenna waveguides to control the beamsteering and the very low sidelobe level. The sidelobe level is supervised by a calibration during operation, using a table of calibration data. The table of calibration data is produced by iterative computer runs of programs performing the two transformations Near-field-to-Far-field and Far-field-to-Waveguide Excitation - the characterization. Characterization to very low sidelobe level in the calculated farfield is possible when using for instance planar nearfield technique to measure an active antenna. The errors at the planar nearfield range are misleadingly compensated for by the characterization. Therefore a minimization together with a continuous control of the noise level is necessary.

Helicopter Based RCS Measurements
J. Ashton,B. Crock, M. Sanders, R. Pokrass, R. Renfro, November 1999

A helicopter-based radar cross section (RCS) measurement system was designed and demonstrated during the past year. The system was a novel combination of modified and un-modified commercial off the shelf (COTS) equipment and software, a minor amount of new hardware, and extensive prior experience. Validation was accomplished using known calibration standards and existing test practices relevant to this type of system, and data were collected and processed for a number of targets of opportunity. The primary subsystems include the measurement radar, the helicopter, antennas and associated mount, boresighted video and recorder, and the calibration tools. The SCI1000 radar was employed because of the combination of its excellent performance at the desired test target range and its minimal physical and power demands. The Bell 500 helicopter was chosen for its size and its wide availability on the world market. Data products were RCS vs. aspect, downrange profile history, and two-dimensional imaging following pre-processing by a robust motion compensation algorithm.
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