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An Augmented Three-Antenna Probe Calibration Technique for Measuring Probe Insertion Phase
A. Frandsen (TICRA),D.W. Hess (MI Technologies), O. Breinbjerg (Ørsted-DTU), S. Pivnenko (Ørsted-DTU), November 2003

Probe calibration is a prerequisite for performing high accuracy near-field antenna measurements. One convenient technique that has been used with confidence for years consists of using two auxiliary antennas in conjunction with the probe-to-be-calibrated. Inherent to this technique is a calibration of all three antennas. So far the technique has mostly been applied to measure polarization and gain characteristics. It is demonstrated how the technique can be extended to also measure an antenna’s phase-versus-frequency characteristic.

Microwave Characterisation of Materials in Free Space Over the Frequency Range from 1.7 GHz to 5.8 GHz.
L.D. Hill (BAE SYSTEMS),K.L. Ford (BAE SYSTEMS), November 2003

The microwave characterisation of the electromagnetic parameters of lossy materials is an essential part of the work of the BAE SYSTEMS Advanced Technology Centre, Stealth Materials Group at Towcester (UK). The electromagnetic parameters of lossy materials change rapidly with frequency below 5GHz, therefore for stealth applications it is vitally important to be able to characterise materials at these frequencies. This paper describes a unique quasi-optical free space focused beam system for the measurement of microwave electromagnetic material parameters. The system employs two spherical reflectors which are illuminated from the side by gaussian beam forming antennas. The frequency range of 1.7GHz to 5.8GHz is covered in three bands with three pairs of corrugated feed antennas. An advantage of this system is that a parallel beam is formed between the reflectors whose beam waist diameter (or illumination area) is essentially the same across each frequency band. The measurements from the system are taken using a vector network analyser under computer control. The parallel beam enables a “Through, Reflect, Line” calibration technique to be used. After calibration the sample under test is placed in the beam (mid way between the reflectors) and the four microwave ‘S’ parameters are recorded automatically in complex form. The permittivity, permeability or lumped admittance ( if the sample is very thin

A Broadband Materials Measurements Technique Building Upon the Implementation of Coaxial Probes
T. Holzheimer (Intelligence and Information systems), November 2003

A Technique is presented that allows for broadband nondestructive material electrical parameter measurements. Electrical parameters of a large number of materials are not readily available over extremely broad bandwidths (multiple octaves as an example). This information is required for accurate modeling of microwave circuits and antenna(s). These parameters consist of complex permittivity and complex permeability that result in loss due to the types and thickness of materials to be used. A Method is required that allows for fast, accurate and low cost measurements of the materials under test. The technique of using dual coaxial probes provides a solution that can be applied to numerous materials including thin films. It takes advantage of the full frequency extent of the network analyzer. This measurement uses dual coaxial probes, as compared to the implementation of cavity resonators, coaxial lines, waveguides and free space measurements, and performs the measurement in a 2-port calibration procedure. The resultant analytical solution is a transcendental equation with complex arguments. The Coaxial probes are described and can be easily made with available components where the only limitation is the valid component frequency bandwidth. Several material examples show the expected accuracy versus frequency range of this measurement technique.

Array Element Phase Determination From Time-Domain Measurements
H.M. Aumann (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),F.G. Willwerth (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), K.A. Tuttle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), November 2003

A technique is presented for determining the insertion phase of array elements directly from time domain measurements. It is shown that the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) commonly used in swept frequency time delay measurements may yield unreliable phase results. A compensation to the IDFT is proposed which allows the phase of an array element to be accurately estimated from time domain data without gating and without taking a second DFT. The technique is applied to determine the insertion attenuation and phase of the elements in a linear L-band phased array. Compared to conventional array calibrations, the removal of extraneous range reflections implicit to the time domain technique resulted in a significant improvement in measurement accuracy.

Wideband Optically Multiplexed Beamformer Architecture (WOMBAt) Transmit Mode
R.D. Davis (Naval Surface Warfare Center),K. Thompson (Naval Surface Warfare Center), P. Couper (Technology Service Corporation), T. Closser (Naval Surface Warfare Center), November 2003

A Wideband Optically Multiplexed Beamformer Architecture (WOMBAt) was developed and characterized at the Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center Active Array Measurement Test Bed (AAMTB) facility. The project includes development and integration of the true-time delay (TTD) WOMBAt photonic beamformer with the Active Array Measurement Test Vehicle (AAMTV). The AAMTV is a 64-channel transmit-receive (TR) module based phased array beamformer that is integrated with the AAMTB facility 12’x9’ planar near-field scanner. The AAMTV provides phase trimming and a small amount of delay using electrical components while the WOMBAt provides longer delays using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) optical components typically manufactured for the telecommunication industry. By integrating the WOMBAt with the AAMTV, a highly flexible test environment was achieved that includes system calibration, multi-frequency scanning, and antenna pattern analysis. Phase I receive tests for this system were previously described and presented to AMTA[1] in 2002. This paper will describe the results of reconfiguring the AAMTV into a transmit architecture for Phase II. WOMBAt successfully demonstrated wideband TTD in both receive and transmit configurations at angles greater than the system goal of ±65º while exceeding all other system level performance goals. System level performance included a beam squint of less than 1.1º for receive and 0.5º for transmit, a worse case amplitude variation of 2.4 dB receive and 1.6 dB transmit and differential delays of less than 3.5 picoseconds.

An Effective and Practical Polarimetric Calibration Technique
D.E. Morales (EG&G Technical Services, Inc.),C.A. Johnson (EG&G Technical Services, Inc.), G.P. Guidi (EG&G Technical Services, Inc.), November 2003

The National RCS Test Facility (NRTF) has designed, fabricated, and implemented an efficient and robust calibration procedure and test body applicable to pylon based monostatic RCS measurements. Our unique calibration test body provides physical separation between the calibration device and pylon allowing the pylon to be outside the range gate of the calibration device. This separation reduces the calibration device uncertainty due to target support contamination and interaction. Spectral analysis and feature extraction of rotational dihedral/dipole data allows further rejection of background noise and clutter that possess different angular dependencies from those of the dihedral/dipole. Due to the significant reduction in the achievable crosspolarization isolation that occurs with a small degree of positioning error in dihedral/dipole roll angle, a data driven search algorithm has been developed to select the two dihedral/dipole angles used by the polarimetric distortion compensation algorithm.

Cam RCS Dual-Cal Standard, The
W.D. Wood (Air Force Institute of Technology),P.J. Collins (National RCS Test Facility), T. Conn (EG&G), November 2003

We introduce a new calibration standard geometry for use in a static RCS measurement system that can simultaneously offer multiple “exact” RCS values based on a simple azimuth rotation of the object. Called the “cam,” the new calibration device eliminates the problem of frequency nulls exhibited by other resonantsized cal devices by shifting the nulls through azimuthal rotation. Furthermore, the “cam” facilitates the use of dual-calibration RCS measurements without the need to mount a second cal standard. The “cam” is practical to fabricate and deploy; it is conducting, composed of flat and constant-radius singly-curved surfaces, and is compatible with standard pylon rotator mounts. High-accuracy computational results from moment-method modeling are presented to show the efficacy of the new standard.

Development of a MATLAB Toolbox to Assist in the Process of RCS Range Calibration
R.J. Jost (Utah State University),B.M. Welsh (Mission Research Corporation), November 2003

Over the past few years, range certification activities have become more commonplace, as industry, government and academia have embraced the process and acted to implement documented procedures at their facilities. There is now a significant amount of documentation laying out the process, as well as templates to assist ranges in developing their range books. To date, however, there have been fewer examples of useful tools to assist the ranges in better understanding how the process will affect their specific range. The authors have developed a first generation MATLAB toolbox designed to provide ranges a “what-if” capability to see the impact of specific range errors on the range’s operations. Included within the toolbox are several types of additive and multiplicative errors, as well as means of modeling various aspects of radar operation.

An Approach to the Evaluation of Uncertainties for Complex RCS Measurement Data
J. Pinto (BAE SYSTEMS Advanced Technology Centre),K.L. Ford (BAE SYSTEMS Advanced Technology Centre), L.D. Hill (BAE SYSTEMS Advanced Technology Centre), November 2003

The Radar Cross Section (RCS) measurement facility operated by the Stealth Materials Department of BAE SYSTEMS Advanced Technology Centre in the UK is an invaluable tool for the development of low observable (LO) materials and designs. Specifically, it permits the effect of signature control measures, when applied to a design, to be demonstrated empirically in terms of the impact on the RCS. The facility is operated within a 3m by 3m by 12m anechoic chamber where pseudo-monostatic, co-polar, stepped frequency data for a target can be collected in a single measurement run over a frequency range of 2- 18GHz, and for a range of azimuth and elevation angles using a Vector Network Analyser (VNA). The data recorded consists of the complex voltage reflection coefficients (VRC) for the chosen range of aspect angles. This includes data for the target, mount, calibration object, and the associated calibration object mounting where significant. All data processing is conducted offline using a bespoke post processing software routine which implements software time domain gating of the raw data transformed into the time domain prior to calibration. The significant sources of type A (random) and B (systematic) uncertainties for the range are identified, grouped, and an approach to the determination of an uncertainty budget for the complex S21 data is presented. The method is based upon the UKAS M3003 guidelines for the treatment of uncertainties that may be expressed by the use of real, rather than complex numbers. However, a method of assessment of the uncertainties in both real and imaginary parts of the complex data is presented. Finally, the uncertainties estimated for the raw VRC data collected are propagated through the calibration and the uncertainty associated with the complex RCS of a simple target is presented.

ARKEN, A Measurement System for Dynamic Full-Scale RCS Measurements and ECM Evaluations in Operational Environments
S. Gadd (Swedish defence research agency FOI),J. Gustavsson (Swedish defence research agency FOI), M. Wilow (Swedish defence research agency FOI), N. Karlsson (Swedish defence research agency FOI), N-U Jonsson (Swedish defence research agency FOI), November 2003

To determine the radar cross section of full-scale objects in their operational environment, and for doing countermeasure evaluations, a radar measurement system has been developed. The system is mobile and flexible and can hence be placed in different surroundings. Its main objective is to make trustworthy and accurate measurements of the RCS of ground-, seaand air targets. This is achieved by a calibration procedure that is performed in connection to all measurements. The measurement system is well suited for RCS measurements in dynamic scenarios. The system can transmit radar signals that resemble the signals of existing threat systems. This property together with the fact that the system at the same time measures both the RCS of the target and the effects of ECM make the system well suited for ECM evaluation. Measurements have been made of many different types of targets on land, at sea and in the air. Different types of ECM, e.g. chaff, has also been evaluated.

Built-In Performance Monitoring Systems for Phased-Array Antennas with Binary Phase Shifters

An advanced method of phased-array antennas (PAA) performance monitoring is presented in this paper. It allows receiving more accurate results for PAA with binary phase shifters. The special attention is paid to such practical aspects of design and application of built-in performance monitoring systems, as the algorithm of controlled channel signal isolation, choice of the location of probe antennas and transfer matrix calibration which is necessary for PAA performance monitoring at system level.

Uncertainty Analysis on the RCS Measurements From a Pair of Ultraspheres
A.W. Reed (The Boeing Company),C.N. Ericksen (The Boeing Company), D.P. Morgan (The Boeing Company), P.S.P. Wei (The Boeing Company), November 2002

In 2001, the Boeing 9-77 Indoor Compact Range successfully passed the range certification process. In preparation and during the On-Site Review in October 2001, RCS data on a pair of ultraspheres for the dualcalibration were collected. In this paper, we analyzed the data with regard to uncertainty analysis. An empirical approach for compensating the systematic error is presented.

WINDSAT Antenna Testing
W.L. Lippincott (Naval Research Laboratory),T. Gutwein (Microstar Corporation), November 2002

WINDSAT is a satellite system designed to be a demonstration of passive microwave polarimetry to measure ocean surface wind speed and direction. The polarimeter works off the crosspol components of the antenna, necessitating high performance requirements both in the building and testing of the antenna. The calibration of the reflector antenna system will be discussed in this paper, along with various analysis done for the project and verified by range measurement.

Correcting Dual Port Probe's Port-to-Port Calibration Using Near-Field Measurements
A.C. Newell (Newell Near-Field Consultants),J. Way (TRW Space and Electronics Group), November 2002

When a dual port probe is used for near-field measurements, the amplitude and phase difference between the two ports must be measured and applied to the probe correction files so that the measurements and calculations will have the same reference. For dual port linear probes, the measurement of this “Port-to-Port” ratio is usually accomplished during the gain or pattern measurements by using a rotating linear source antenna.1 When a dual port linear probe is used to measure a circularly polarized antenna, the uncertainty in this Port-to-Port ratio can have a significant effect on the determination of the cross polarized pattern. Uncertainties of tenths of a dB in amplitude or 1-3 degrees phase can cause changes in the cross polarized pattern of 5-10 dB.2 3 The paper will present a method for measuring the Port-to-Port ratio on the near-field range using a circularly polarized antenna as the AUT (Antenna Under Test). The AUT does not need to be perfectly polarized nor do we need to know its correct polarization. The measurements consist of two separate near-field scans. In the first measurement the probe is in its normal position and in the second it is rotated about the Z-axis by 90 degrees. A script then calculates the Port-to-Port ratio by comparing the crosspolarization results from the two measurements. Uncertainties in the Port-to-Port ratio can be reduced to hundredths of a dB in amplitude and tenths of a degree in phase. Measurements were taken at TRW’s Large Horizontal Near-field Antenna Test Range.

VHF Capability and RCS Measurements from Long Cylinders
P.S.P. Wei (The Boeing Company),A.W. Reed (The Boeing Company), C.N. Ericksen (The Boeing Company), November 2002

In order to better understand the capability and limitation of the radar in the VHF band, we present the results from RCS measurements on simple calibration objects of sizes from small to large. Though the uncertainty for measuring a small object is usually well behaved to within +0.2 dB, the greatest difficulty for a large object is the lack of knowledge on the distribution of the incident field. Some qualitative ideas may be obtained from fieldprobes along a few directions. Yet, a thorough investigation of the field in 3-D as a function of the frequency and polarization is generally beyond time and budget constraints. For the special cases of long and thin cylinders at broadside, we find that the difference in HH-VV is very sensitive to ka, which allows us to distinguish them apart.

Design and Analysis of a New Angularly Insensitive RCS Calibration Device
B. Kent (Air Force Research Laboratory),Kueichien C. Hill (Air Force Research Laboratory), B. Fischer (Veridian Systems Division), E. LeBaron (Veridian Systems Division), G. Fliss (Veridian Systems Division), I. LaHaie (Veridian Systems Division), P. DeGroot (Boeing Phantom Works), November 2002

The accurate measurement of static Radar Cross Section (RCS) requires precise calibration. Conventional RCS calibration objects like plates and cylinders are subject to errors associated with their angular alignment. Although cylinders work well under controlled alignment conditions, and have very low targetsupport interaction, these devices may not always suitable for routine outdoor ground-plane RCS measurements. We seek a design which captures the low interaction mechanisms of a cylinder, yet can be easily aligned in the field due to its excellent angular insensitivity. In a sense, this target has the best characteristics of both the cylinder and the sphere. This paper will describe the design of a "hypergeoid", a new calibration device based on a unique body of revolution. Calculations and measurements of some elementary hypergeoids are presented.

Outdoor Low Frequency Bistatic Far Field Radar Cross Section Measurements
B. Schardt (NAVAIR Weapons Division),P. Liesman (NAVAIR Weapons Division), R. Young (NAVAIR Weapons Division), November 2002

The bistatic radar signature of military systems is of interest for various applications including performance evaluation of semi-active missile systems, surveillance systems, and survivability assessment. While bistatic radar cross section (RCS) measurements have been made for high frequencies at several U.S facilities, there has been little reported work in low frequency bistatic RCS measurements. This paper presents the results of recent low frequency coherent bistatic RCS measurements from 210 MHz to 1.99 GHz at bistatic receiver angles of 0°, 35°, 70°, 120° and 145°. These measurements were successfully completed at the Naval Air Systems Command Weapons Division Etcheron Valley Range (EVR), formerly known as Junction Ranch (JR), China Lake, California This paper describes the process and provides results of low frequency bistatic RCS measurements on a hemisphere-capped cylinder target. Comparisons are presented of measured data to predicted results from moment method models of the calibration object and the cylinder target. Methodologies used in optimizing RCS data quality are also provided.

Development, Measurement, and Analysis of a Wideband Optically Multiplexed Beamformer Architecture (WOMBAT)
P. Couper (Technology Service Corporation),K. Thomson (Naval Surface Warfare Center), R. Davis (Naval Surface Warfare Center), T. Closser (Naval Surface Warfare Center), November 2002

A Wideband Optically Multiplexed Beamformer Architecture (WOMBAt) was developed and characterized at the Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center Active Array Measurement Test Bed (AAMTB) facility. The project included development and integration of the WOMBAt photonic beamformer with the Active Array Measurement Test Vehicle (AAMTV). The AAMTV is a 64-channel transmit-receive (TR) module based phased array beamformer that is integrated with the AAMTB facility 12’x9’ planar near-field scanner. The AAMTV provided phase trimming and a small amount of electrical delay while the WOMBAt provided longer optical delays using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components typically manufactured for the telecommunication industry. By integrating the WOMBAt with the AAMTV, a highly flexible test environment was achieved that included system calibration, multi-frequency scanning, and antenna pattern analysis. This paper presents antenna pattern results showing less than 0.7 dB of amplitude variation over the frequency range from 9 to 10 GHz at each of the measured nominal steering angles. The beamformer was steered to greater than ±69 degrees with an observed beam squint from 9 to 10 GHz of less than 1 degree.

Phase Calibration of a 2 by 2 Phased Array GPS Antenna Using Real and Simulated GPS Signals
L.L. Liou (Air Force Research Laboratory),C.R. Burneka (Air Force Research Laboratory), D.L. Lin (Air Force Research Laboratory), J. Shaw (Air Force Research Laboratory), J. Valentine (Air Force Research Laboratory), J.B. Tsui (Air Force Research Laboratory), S.L. Osman (Air Force Research Laboratory), November 2002

Software GPS receiver development has been undertaken. We are particularly interested in improving the GPS signal-to-noise/interference ratio using a beam forming techniques. The phase relationship among the antenna array elements requires careful calibration. In this study, we will report a phase calibration technique for a 2 by 2 GPS antenna array using both simulated and real GPS signals. This technique is based on the GPS signalprocessing algorithm developed for the software GPS receiver. A four-channel digital data collecting system was used in the experiment. For a simulated GPS signal, the experiment was conducted in an anechoic chamber in which a GPS simulation system was facilitated. For real GPS signals, we conducted the experiment on a rooftop to receive the signal from GPS satellites. The calibration verified the coherent nature of the signals among the elements. The results also allowed the source's direction to be determined.

AFRL Advanced Compact Range RCS Uncertainty Analysis for a General Target
B. Welsh (Mission Research Corporation),B. Kent (Air Force Research Laboratory/SNS), B. Muller (Mission Research Corporation), November 2002

A calibration uncertainty analysis was conducted for the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Advanced Compact Range (ACR) in 2000 [1]. This analysis was a key component of the Radar Cross Section (RCS) ISO-25 (ANSI-Z- 540) Range Certification Demonstration Project. The scope of the RCS uncertainty analysis for the demonstration project was limited to calibration targets. Since that time we have initiated a detailed RCS uncertainty analysis for a more typical target measured in the ACR. A “more typical” target is one that is much larger with respect to wavelength than the calibration targets and characterized by a wide dynamic range of RCS scattering levels. We choose a 10’ ogive as the target due to the fact it is a large target, exhibits a wide dynamic range of scattering, and the scattering levels can be predicted using readily available CEM codes. We will present the methodology for the uncertainty analysis and detailed analyses of selected component uncertainties. The aspects of the uncertainty analysis that are unique to the “typical target” (i.e., a non calibration target) will be emphasized.
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