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Optimized collimators-theoretical performance limits
B. Schluper (March Microwave Systems B.V.),J. Damme (March Microwave Systems B.V.), V.J. Vokurka (March Microwave Systems B.V.), November 1987

Over the last five years a considerable attention has been paid to further developments of Compact Antenna Test Ranges for both antenna and RCS measurements. For many applications, these devices proved to be more attractive than outdoor ranges or near-field/far-field transformation techniques. On the other hand, accurate operation at very low or very high frequencies can cause considerable difficulties. It is the aim of this paper to describe the theoretical limitation of collimating devices, in particular for low frequencies. For this purpose, an idealized collimator will be defined. Using the spectral components analysis a comparison of achievable accuracy will be made between collimators and outdoor ranges. Theoretical limits in the accuracy for RCS measurements will be computed for all applicable frequencies. Finally, a comparison will be made between the experiments on a dual-reflector Compact Antenna Test Range and theoretically achievable limits. Representative targets, like cylinders and rectangular plates have been used for experimental investigation. These data will also be presented.

A Method of making fast high accuracy polarization measurements
G.B. Melson (Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.),J.J. Anderson (Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.), November 1986

A method is presented for making fast multi-frequency high accuracy polarization measurements using a digital computer. This paper will provide a brief review of the IEEE standard polarization definitions, their applicability to the three antenna method, and finally a fast two antenna method. [1] The fast two antenna method uses a dual polarized orthomode sampling antenna along with a standard antenna whose polarization is known. The dual polarized sampling antenna is calibrated before the test data is acquired using the polarization standard in two different orientations 90 degrees apart. Once the calibration data is acquired the dual polarized orthomode antenna is used as a sampling antenna for the AUT. Since the sampling antenna is dual polarized the AUT polarization data can be obtained rapidly for many frequencies since neither antenna is required to rotate. This method has been used to acquire polarization data for over 500 frequencies in less than 20 seconds.

On the use of the HP-8510 network analyzer for antenna pattern measurements
R. Balaberda (National Research Council, Canada),S. Mishra (National Research Council, Canada), November 1986

Enhanced accuracy in antenna pattern measurements using the HP-8510 is possible by using a novel calibration procedure. By circumventing antenna dispersion, this procedure leads to better resolution of multipath responses and thus increases the effectiveness of gated measurements. Measured patterns of a dipole antenna are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of this procedure.

An Automated antenna measurement system using the HP8510
D.J. Markman (Flam & Russell, Inc.),R.E. Hartman (Flam & Russell, Inc.), November 1986

An automated antenna measurement system using the HP8510 is described. The system controls the HP8510, associated signal source, and antenna positioner, to provide a fully integrated, automated test facility. Automation speeds and enhances testing by implementing the following features: - Multiple frequency pattern measurements in a single cut of the pedestal. - Patterns with rotating linear polarization - Automatic pedestal control - Storage and presentation of fully documented test data. - Storage and recall of test routines These features complement the premier microwave receiver available today, the HP8510 which offers: - Continuous frequency coverage from .045 to 26.5 GHz - Unparalleled measurement accuracy - 80 dB dynamic range - Time domain gating These features are integrated through software developed using modern software management techniques to form a system which is state of the art in measurement performance, operator interface, and software life cycle supportability.

Reduction of near-field techniques duration
J.C. Bolomey (Ecole Superieure d'Electricité),B. Cown (Georgia Institute of Technology), D. Picard (Ecole Superieure d'Electricité), G. Fine (Ecole Superieure d'Electricité), M. Mostafavi (Ecole Superieure d'Electricité), November 1986

Near-field measurement techniques are widely used today for antenna far-field pattern characterization. Since the 60's, much has been done concerning accuracy. The three main coordinate systems, planar, cylindrical, and spherical have been investigated. probe corrections have been introduced [1] - [6].

Improving the accuracy of the planar near-field far-field transformation by a proper choice of integration algorithm and grid
M.S.A. Sanad (University of Manitoba),L. Shafai (University of Manitoba), November 1986

The planar scanning system is commonly used in the near field testing of high gain antennas, where the rectangular measurement grids are used. The polar grids are also used, which are more convenient when the antenna aperture is circular. In the planar scanners the measurements are carried out in the x-y plane in increments of both x and y. The result of the measurement is an mxn matrix of the near field data consisting of m cuts with n data points per each cut. The far field patterns may then be calculated, using the near field data, by the aperture field integration or the modal expansion methods [1]. In this paper the aperture field integration method is studied, where the far field components can be calculated from [1] - [2].

Spectral evaluation of reflector surfaces used for compact ranges
E.B. Joy (Georgia Institute of Technology),R.E. Wilson (Georgia Institute of Technology), November 1986

This paper presents the results of a study conducted to determine the effects of reflector surface errors on compact range performance. The study addressed only the reflector surface accuracy and not edge scattering, reflector illumination or reflector size. The study showed that low spatial frequency sinusoidal surface errors are significant contributors to amplitude ripple in the quiet zone field. Simple equations are presented for estimation of quiet zone amplitude ripple due to reflector surface errors. The study also presents measured surface error for two manufactures of reflector panels. The spectral (plane wave) components of the reflected field are displayed for a compact range reflector composed of a collection of these panels. *This work supported by the U. S. Army Electronic Proving Ground, Ft. Huachuca, AZ and the Joint Services Electronics program

Measurement of doubly curved reflector antennas
S.H. Lim (Andrew Antenna Company Ltd.),R. Boyko (Andrew Antenna Company Ltd.), November 1986

This paper describes the mechanical as well as electrical measurement of doubly curved reflector antennas. The techniques developed for measurement of the new Canadian RAMP Primary Surveillance Radar antenna are described. Instead of a conventional full size template fixture to measure the antenna contour accuracy, an optical twin-theodolite method is used. The problems of the method are discussed and a new simplified analysis for calculating reflector error of doubly curved antennas is presented. Reflector errors are calculated and displayed concurrent with the actual measurements. The measurement of primary and secondary patterns for such antennas are described. Included are brief descriptions of the improved Andrew pattern test range and anechoic chamber facilities.

Automated three-antenna polarization measurements using digital signal processing
J.R. Jones (Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.),D.E. Hess (Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.), November 1985

In this paper we present a three-antenna measurement procedure which yields the polarization of an unknown antenna to an accuracy comparable to that of the improved method of Newell. The complete method is based on step-scan motion of the two polarization axes on which the antenna pairs are mounted. As a special case this step-scan procedure includes the usual single axis polarization pattern method of polarization measurement. This three antenna polarization measurement method can be readily automated and is carried out straightforwardly with the assistance of a minicomputer for data acquisition and data reduction. The data reduction method is based on conventional digital Fourier transform techniques and has the advantage of inherent noise rejection. It utilizes a large number of sample points which greatly overdetermine the parameters to be measured. The method has been verified experimentally with measurements made on multiple overlapping sets of three antennas, as is conventional for this kind of procedure. The data are presented for broad-beam antennas of the type used as near field probe horns.

Optimum near-field probing for improved low sidelobe measurement accuracy
J. Hoffman (Technology Service Corporation),K. Grimm (Technology Service Corporation), November 1985

A novel technique for improved accuracy of sidelobe measurement by planar near field probing has been developed and tested on the modified near field scanner at the National Bureau of Standards. The new technique relies on a scanning probe which radiates an azimuth plane null along the test antenna’s mainbeam steering direction. In this way, the probe acts as a mainbeam filter during probe correction processing, and allows the sidelobe space wavenumbers to establish the dynamic range of the near field measurement. In this way, measurement errors which usually increase with decreasing near field signal strength are minimized. The probe also discriminates against error field which have propagation components in the direction of mainbeam steering, such errors may be due to multipath or scanner Z-position tolerances. Near field probing tests will be described which demonstrate measurement accuracies from tests with two slotted waveguide arrays—the Ultralow Sidelobe Array (ULSA) and the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) array. Results show that induced near field measurement error will generate detectable far field sidelobe errors, within established bounds, at the –60dB level. The utility of te probe to detect low level radar target scattering will also be described.

Very broadband measurements of time-varying background returns for a compact radar cross-section measurement range
J.D. Young,E. Walton, P. Bohley, November 1985

There are several background return sources on the Ohio State University Compact Radar Range which affect the sensitivity, accuracy, and dynamic range of the measurement. This paper discusses the magnitude and time delay of the principal background “clutter” mechanisms. Next, data on the time drift properties will be presented, and the relation to system temperature and other physical variations will be discussed. Finally, the impact of system design and operation concepts on these performance factors will be discussed.

Automated data acquisition and analysis system upgrade
H.P. Cotton (Georgia Tech Research Institute),C.H. Green (Georgia Tech Research Institute), D.H. Harrison (Georgia Tech Research Institute), J.L. Estes (Georgia Tech Research Institute), R.A. Gault (Georgia Tech Research Institute), November 1985

This paper is a discussion of the upgrade of an automated antenna pattern data acquisition and analysis system located at the U.S. Army Electronic Proving Ground (USAEPG), Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. The upgrade was necessary as the existing facility was inadequate with respect to frequency coverage, data processing, and measurement speed and accuracy. The upgrade was also necessary in view of USAEPG long range plans to automate a proposed large compact range.

A 1-40 GHz synthesized source for antenna range applications
M.L. Guenther (Scientific-Atlanta Inc.),J.B. Wilson (Scientific-Atlanta Inc.) Charles H. Currie (Scientific-Atlanta Inc.) Robert C. Hyers (Scientific-Atlanta Inc.) Vincent M. Franck (Scientific-Atlanta Inc.), November 1985

Increased interest in antenna development at millimeter-wave frequencies has contributed to a growing need for signal sources operating to 40 GHz and beyond. The desirable features of such sources include broad frequency coverage; accuracy, stability, and resolution afforded by frequency synthesis; the ability to switch frequencies rapidly; and physical attributes which lend themselves to efficient use in the automated antenna range environment. This paper describes how a recently developed synthesizer meets these requirements. Design approaches used, engineering trade-offs considered, and applications information are presented.

Planar Near-Field Measurements Using Hexagonal Sampling
L.E. Corey (Georgia Institute of Technology),E. B. Joy (Georgia Institute of Technology), November 1984

This paper describes a new planar near-field measurement technique in which near-field data is collected in a hexagonal rather than a rectangular format. It is shown that the hexagonal method is more efficient than the rectangular technique in that a lower sampling density is required and the hexagonally shaped measurement surface is more compatible with most antenna apertures than the conventional rectangular measurement surface.

A Dual shaped compact range for EHF antenna measurements
J.K. Conn (Harris Corporation),C. L. Armstrong (Harris Corporation), L. S. Gans (Harris Corporation), November 1984

A dual offset shaped reflector compact range is described. Improvements over the traditional single reflector, apex-fed compact range are outlined and discussed. A design plan for a dual offset shaped reflector compact range for EHF antenna measurement is presented.

G/T measurement of highly directive antenna systems
G.M. Briand (Harris Corporation), November 1984

A technique for improving the accuracy of G/T measurements of highly directive antennas is introduced. The technique presents was developed to overcome uncertainties in ephemeral information, antenna positioning, system gain stability, and other random and nonrandom phenomena. The particular application discussed uses Casseiopeia-A as a noise source but the technique can be adapted for use with other extraterrestrial noise sources.

VHF antenna range design
C. J. Chen (Rockwell International Corp.), November 1984

The design concept for outdoor antenna ranges operated at frequency 50 MHz is discussed. The antenna range is designed for test of VHF antennas mounted on a full-scale satellite mockup. Due to the large size of test objects, a tradeoff between cost and test accuracy among carious range configurations is addressed. Due to near-omni directional characteristics of test antennas, the multipath interference may be severe. The interference ground reflection, surface wave and multiple scattering are quantified and evaluated.

Automated wideband, phase coherent polarimetric radar cross section measurements
T.K. Pollack (Teledyne Micronetics), November 1984

This paper describes the equipment, mechanics and methods of one of the outdoor ranges at Teledyne Micronetics. A computer controlled microwave transceiver uses pulsed CW over a frequency range of 2-18 GHz to measure the amplitude, phase and polarization of the signal reflected off the target. The range geometry, calibration and analysis techniques are used to optimize measurement accuracy and characterize the target as a set of subscatterers.

A Figure of merit for evaluating signal processing antennas
E. Jacobs (Aerospace Corporation), November 1984

In recent years a new class of reflector antennas utilizing array feeds has been receiving attention. An example of this type of antenna is a reflector utilizing a moveable array feed for beam steering. [1]-[3]. Due to the circuitry required to adjust the weights for the various feed array elements, an appreciable amount of loss can be introduced into the antenna system. One technique to overcome this possible deficiency is to place low noise amplifiers with sufficient gain to overcome the weighting function losses just after each of the feed elements. In the evaluation of signal processing antennas that employ amplifiers the standard antenna gain measurement will not be indicative of the antenna system’s performance. In fact, by only making a signal measurement, the antenna gain can be made any arbitrary value by changing the gains of the amplifiers used. In addition, the IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Antennas [4] does not cover the class of antennas where the amplifier becomes part of the antenna system. There exists a need to establish a standard of merit or worth for multi-element antenna systems that involve the use of amplifiers. This communication presents a proposed figure of merit for evaluating such antenna systems.

A New antenna test facility at General Electric Space Systems Division in Valley Forge, PA.
R. Meier (General Electric Co.), November 1984

This paper describes the new antenna test facility under construction at General Electric Space Systems Division in Valley Forge, PA. The facility consists of a shielded anechoic chamber containing both a Compact Range and a Spherical Near-Field Range. In addition, it provides for a 700’ boresight range through an RF transparent window. The facility will be capable of testing antenna systems over a wide frequency range and will also accommodate an entire spacecraft for both system compatibility and antenna performance tests.
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