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Radiation Pattern Measurements and Predictions of the PLANCK RF Qualification Model
Gilbert Forma (Thales Alenia Space),Denis Dubruel (Thales Alenia Space), Fabrizio Villa (°INAF-IASF), Gerald Crone (ESA-ESTEC), Isabelle Ristorcelli (CESR), Jan Tauber (ESA-ESTEC), Javier Marti-Canales (ESA-ESTEC), Maura Sandri (°INAF-IASF ), Maurice Paquay (ESA-ESTEC), November 2008

PLANCK is one of the scientific missions of the European Space Agency, devoted to observe the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation with unprecedented accuracy. One of the key factors for the performance is the radiation pattern of the telescope, especially the sidelobe performance in the direction of hot celestial bodies like Sun, Earth and Moon. The satellite will operate around the L2 Lagrangian point in deep space under cryogenic conditions. These conditions can not be realized in an antenna test range for a payload of this size. Therefore, the predictions for the performance under flight conditions depend highly on numerical simulations. The model to be used had never before been verified to this level of confidentiality. The challenge was to conduct a test campaign at frequencies up to 320 GHz (far beyond the normal range of the used CATR) with a very large object (the PLANCK RF Qualification Model with an aperture size of 1.5 m, i.e. more than 1500 wavelength at 320 GHz) to demonstrate Sidelobe Levels down to -90 dB. A selection of the measurement results and comparison with predictions will be presented.

Ivor L. Morrow (Cranfield University),A. W. Wraight (QinetiQ), November 2008

A novel technique for estimating the spatial electromagnetic field distribution and its covariance error is presented based on variogram analysis and the statistical interpolation technique known as Kriging. The spatial structure of some field measurements are characterized by variogram analyses and their propagation properties identified. The physical implications of the Kriging interpolator functional fit to measured data is considered and illustrated. It is concluded that with specialist interpretation this new technique can be used as a valuable checking tool, or to reduce the number of field measurement, in a measurement programme, particularly when the costs of the latter are considered.

G.Pinchuk (Orbit/FR-Eng),Y. Bitton (Orbit/FR-Eng), Bernhard Priemer (Orbit/FR-Europe), Marcel Boumans (Orbit/FR-Europe), Seong-Soo Kim (ACE Antenna), November 2008

Orbit/FR has installed a new compact range for antenna measurements at ACE Antenna Corp. The measurement facility covers a frequency range from 0.8 to 40GHz with a Quiet Zone size of 3 m diameter x 3 m length. The design of the compact range is similar to the one already installed by Orbit/FR at Ericsson (Sweden) with some improvements in the mechanical design and in the system parameters. An intensive simulation of the reflector serrations had allowed for finding its optimal profile, thus improving the quiet zone parameters at entire frequency range, especially at low frequencies, at which a number of base-station and mobile antennas are expected for testing by ACE Antenna Corp. A new design of a feed positioner and a baffle house added more convenience for the compact range alignment and operation. The system was installed and qualified in March 2008. The field probing has been performed within the entire operating frequency range, which then allows for evaluation of the antenna measurement accuracy. A system description as well as results of simulation and excerpt of the qualification data is presented in the paper.

Juergen Habersack (Astrium GmbH – Satellites, Measurement Technology), November 2008

The measurement accuracy of state-of-the-art RF test facilities like near-field or compact test ranges is influenced due to applied system hardware as well as operational facts which are influenced by human errors. The measurement errors of near-field test facilities were analyzed and published in the past times and are based on the 18-term error model of Newell [1]. For compact test ranges and especially for the cross-polar free compensated compact range a similar error model was established at Astrium GmbH within a study for the satellite service provider INTELSAT [2] in order to define possible facility performance improvements and maximum achievable values for the measurement accuracy. It has to be remarked, that test programs for space applications require very stringent adherence to procedures and documentation of process steps during a test campaign. Within this paper, recommendations for process optimizations and procedures will be presented to guarantee the adherence to the valid error budgets and to minimize the Human Factor. A description of main error contributions in the Compensated Compact Range (CCR) of Astrium GmbH will be performed. Furthermore, the error budgets for pattern and gain measurements and achievable performance improvements will be given.

Characterization of measurement systems through extensive measurement campaigns
Sara Burgos (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.),Manuel Sierra-Castañer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), H. Eriksson (SAAB Microwave Systems), O. Breinbjerg (Technical University of Denmark), S. Pivnenko (Technical University of Denmark), November 2008

Within the European Union network "Antenna Center of Excellence" – ACE (2004-2007), a first intercomparison campaign among different European measurement systems, using the 12 GHz Validation Standard (VAST12) antenna, were carried out during 2004 and 2005. One of the challenges of that campaign was the definition of the accurate reference pattern. This was the reason why a dedicated measurement campaign for definition of the accurate reference pattern was hold during 2007 and beginning of 2008. This second campaign is described in the companion paper “Dedicated measurement campaign for definition of accurate reference pattern of the VAST12 antenna”. This dedicated measurement campaign was performed by Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Denmark, SAAB Microwave Systems (SAAB) in Sweden and Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in Spain. This campaign consisted of a large number of measurements with slightly different configurations in each of the three institutions (2 spherical near field systems and one compact range). The purpose of this paper is to show the process to achieve the reference pattern from each institution and the evaluation of the accuracy. The acquisitions were performed systematically varying in applied scanning scheme, measurement distances, signal level and so on. The results are analyzed by each institution combining the measurement results in near or far field and extracting from these measurements: a “best” pattern, an evaluation of possible sources of errors (i.e. reflections, mechanical and electrical uncertainties) and an estimation of the items of the uncertainty budget.

Assessment of a Candidate Metallic Waveguide Standard, Based on S-parameter Uncertainty Due to Dimensional Manufacturing Errors.
Kevin Lambert (QinetiQ North America),Carol Kory (QinetiQ North America), Gregory Wilson (BerrieHill Research Corporation), Thao Dinh (BerrieHill Research Corporation), November 2008

An effort to ascertain the accuracy of the rectangular waveguide measurement technique for permittivity and permeability characterization of materials, has led to the development and application of a waveguide notch filter as a scattering parameter (S-parameter) reference standard. The S-parameters of this reference can be determined accurately using simulations that implement a full wave model of the waveguide measurement technique. The notch frequency response characteristic allows testing over the dynamic range of the measurement system. When fabricated in metal, the filter provides a predictable frequency response, has mechanical and temporal stability, and is reproducible using standard machining techniques. However, manufacturing errors introduce uncertainty in the measured S-parameters. Determining the sensitivity of S-parameter uncertainty as a function of manufacturing errors is important in assessing the appropriateness of the notch filter as a metallic standard for use throughout the material measurements community. This paper presents the characteristics of the filter, showing both calculated and measured S-parameter values, and provides an analysis that demonstrates the relationship between dimensional manufacturing tolerances and the resulting S-parameter uncertainty.

Total Radiated Power Measurement for Small Radio Terminals Using a Spheroidal Coupler
Tasuku Teshirogi (Anritsu Corporation ),Aya Yamamoto (Anritsu Corporation), Takashi Kawamura (Anritsu Corporation), Toru Sakuma (Anritsu Corporation), November 2008

We propose a novel method for measuring the total radiated power (TRP) of small radio terminals, such as mobile phones, active RFID tags, and UWB devices, using a spheroidal cavity coupler in which an EUT and a receiving antenna are displaced symmetrically around the focal points of the spheroid. The proposed method provides a compact, low-cost TRP measurement system with high sensitivity and high speed, supporting TRP measurement for both in-band signals and higher-order spurious radiation. Although the behavior of electromagnetic waves in the coupler is complex due to multiple reflections, we can evaluate the maximum TRP from the EUT by using the displacement technique and comparison with a reference system using a reference transmitting antenna and signal generator. Computer simulation verifies that the method measures TRP with high accuracy.

Uncertainty evaluation through simulations of virtual acquisitions modified with mechanical and electrical errors in a cylindrical near-field antenna measurement system
S. Burgos (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid),F. Martin (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), J.L. Besada (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), M. Sierra-Castañer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), November 2008

An error simulator based on virtual cylindrical near-field acquisitions has been implemented in order to evaluate how mechanical or electrical inaccuracies may affect the antenna parameters. In outdoor ranges, where the uncertainty could be rather important due to the weather conditions, an uncertainty analysis a priori based on simulations is an effective way to characterize measurement accuracy. The tool implemented includes the modelling of the Antenna Under Test (AUT) and the probe and the cylindrical near-to-far-field transformation. Thus, by comparing the results achieved considering an infinite far-field and the ones obtained while adding mechanical and electrical errors, the deviations produced can be estimated. As a result, through virtual simulations, it is possible to determine if the measurement accuracy requirements can be satisfied or not and the effect of the errors on the measurement outcomes can be checked. Several types of results were evaluated for different antenna sizes, which allowed determining the effect of the errors and uncertainties in the measurement for the antennas under study.

A State of the Art Anechoic Chamber for Air vehicle Testing at Alenia Aeronautica
Ilario Bertino (Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A.),Marco Bozzetti (Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A.), Gaetano Ariano (Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A.), Chris Kelly (Orbit/FR), Gabe Sanchez (Orbit/FR), November 2008

Electromagnetic Anechoic Chamber has recently been built by Alenia Aeronautica at Caselle South Plant: The Anechoic Chamber is a full anechoic chamber, and it has been designed to carry out electromagnetic vulnerability tests mainly on fighter and unmanned aircraft. In addition measurement can be carried out on many different vehicles that can be brought into the chamber through the main access door. A system to extract exhaust gas was installed in order to carry out tests on a wide variety of vehicles. The Anechoic Chamber has been designed to carry out both HIRF/EMC test and High Sensitivity RF measurement: in particular HIRF/EMC tests in the frequency range 30MHz ÷ 18GHz with the capability of radiating a very high intensity electromagnetic field and High Sensitivity RF measurement, including antenna pattern measurements on antennas installed on aircraft in the frequency range 500MHz ÷ 18GHz. During the design phase a 1/12th scale model of the chamber had been fabricated to assess the desired electromagnetic performance. In this phase of design the model was tested at the scale frequencies for Filed Uniformity, Site Attenuation and Free Space VSWR results. This study was published at the AMTA 2004 meeting. In addition to the physical model, during the construction phase, various computer simulations were performed to further define the detailed internal absorber layout and to define test acceptance methods for procedures not covered by the standards. The computer model analysis was conducted to identify areas of scattering that could be treated with higher performance absorbers to improve the chambers quiet zone performance. The identified “Fresnel Zones." have been treated with high performance absorbers optimized to provide improved performance at microwave frequencies. The absorber optimization was reported at the AMTA 2006 meeting. This optimization has allowed validation of the chamber according to the requirements of CIRSP 16-1-4 2007-02 in the range of frequency 30 MHz - 18GHz. The size (shield to shield) of chamber is 30m wide, 30m long and 20m high, and the 18m wide by 8.5m high main door allows the SUT access. The shielded structure is a welded structure of 3mm-thick steel panels which guarantees shielding effectiveness of more than 100 dB in the frequency range 100 kHz to 20GHz. The chamber includes a 10 meter diameter turntable to rotate a 30 ton SUT with an angular accuracy of ± 0.02° and a pathway to allow SUT access. Both the pathway and the turntable are permanently covered by ferrite tiles. A hoist system permits lifting of the SUT (max 25 tons) up to 10 meters from the turntable centre enabling EMC testing on aircraft with the landing gear retracted.

The device of the embedded control of parameters of the microwave feeder of airborne radar
Igor Shirokov,Yuri Gimpilevich, November 2007

A device and algorithm of measuring of microwave air­borne radar antenna impedance and input power level are presented. A compact five-port microwave reflectometer, p-i-n diodes switch, single microwave detector are used. The output detector signal is processed. All of that results in decreasing of the cost of equipment, elimination of instrument components non-ideality and reaching of high equipment accuracy.

Assessment of a Planar Near-Field Range for Quiet-Zone Measurements at 650 GHz
Matti Vaaja,Antti Räisänen, Janne Häkli, Juha Mallat, November 2007

Planar near-field probing is used in the optimisation of the quiet-zone of a hologram-based compact antenna test range (CATR). In this paper, the measurement instrumentation for 650 GHz operation is introduced and the potential measurement errors in the quiet-zone measurements are identified. Applicable error correction and compensation methods are discussed and the total measurement accuracy is calculated.

Amplitude and direction evaluation of very small stray signals in compact range
huaian zhou,Xiaolong Niu, xiaoping zhang, November 2007

This paper presents a novel method to evaluate very small stray signals in compact range. The ripples of signals probed by an omni-directional antenna along the orthogonal direction of the bore sight could be treated as signals in time domain. Transforming the probed data with fast Fourier transform (FFT), the direction and amplitude (relative to the test signal) of each stray signal could be obtained. To improve the accuracy, time domain software gating should also be used in calibrating the measurement error of amplitude and phase. The presented method has the ability to measure very small stray signals with good angle resolution. The method has been tested by both simulation using MATLAB and experiment in the compensated compact range CCR120/100 in CAST using a monopole antenna centered on a circular ground plane as a probe. Good results were obtained.

VHF/UHF High Performance Absorbing Material Measurements in a Coaxial Line Using Time-Gating Techniques: Validation & Error Analysis
Gabriel Sanchez,Mark Winebrand, Vadim Vinogradov, Leland Hemming, November 2007

This paper describes the Rectangular Coaxial 40’ long measurement system recently designed and installed at AEMI with the primary purpose of measuring the reflectivity of its high performance VHF/UHF absorbing materials in the frequency range 30 – 510 MHz. The basic principles of the system are described in detail in [1] and are based on S11 – measurements of absorbing material reflectivity by a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). In order to improve the system productivity and measurement accuracy it was enhanced by the time-gating software option – the standard option of ORBIT/FR Spectrum 959 automated measurement software package [2].The measurement system performance was thoroughly evaluated and validated by a number of tests performed in the “empty” coaxial line, and in the line loaded by absorbing materials. The list of RF uncertainties – various measurement error sources - was generated, the main measurement error contributors were identified, the corresponding errors – estimated and the overall RSS measurement errors were calculated for the absorber reflectivity varying in the range of -30dB to – 40dB.

Francesco D'Agostino,Carlo Rizzo, Claudio Gennarelli, Flaminio Ferrara, Massimo Migliozzi, Rocco Guerriero, November 2007

ABSTRACT A new probe compensated near-field – far-field trans­formation technique with planar spiral scanning is here proposed. It is tailored for quasi planar antennas, since an oblate ellipsoid instead of a sphere is consid­ered as surface enclosing the antenna under test. Such an ellipsoidal modelling is quite general (containing the spherical one as particular case) and allows one to consider measurement planes at a distance smaller than one half the maximum source size, thus reducing the error related to the truncation of the scanning sur­face. Moreover, it reduces significantly the number of the needed near-field data when dealing with quasi planar antennas. Numerical tests are reported for demonstrating the accuracy of the far-field reconstruc­tion process and its stability with respect to random errors affecting the data.

Implementation of a "Cam" as an RCS Dual-Cal Standard
Sarah Naiva,Michael Baumgartner, Peter Collins, Timothy Conn, November 2007

The 2004 AMTA paper entitled “The “Cam” RCS Dual-Cal Standard” introduced the theoretical concept of the “cam,” a new calibration standard geometry for use in a static RCS measurement system that could simultaneously offer multiple “exact” RCS values based on simple azimuth rotation of the object. Since that publication, we have constructed a “cam” to further explore its utility. The device was fabricated to strict tolerances and its as-built physical geometry meticulously measured. Utilizing these characteristics and moment-method analysis, a high-accuracy computational electromagnetic (CEM) “exact” file required for calibration was produced. Finally, the “cam” was evaluated for its efficacy as a single device that could be utilized as a dual-cal standard. This development was conducted with a particular focus on the hypothesized improvements offered by the new standard, such as the elimination of frequency nulls exhibited by other resonant-sized calibration devices, and improved operational efficiency. In this follow-on paper, we present the advantages to and challenges involved in making the “cam” a viable RCS dual-cal standard by describing the fabrication, modeling and performance characterization.

A Compact but Highly Flexible 5-axis Positioner
Maurice Paquay,Alain Bonnet, November 2007

ACC has developed for the ESA-ESTEC CATR a compact but highly versatile 5-axis positioner. It is composed of a roll axis, upper azimuth, elevation, translation and lower azimuth axis. The clearance between the floor and the translation stage is designed to pass over a 12” walkway absorber while the roll axis height is only 155 cm (~5 feet). The standard configuration for medium or high gain antennas is the roll-over-azimuth or elevation-over­azimuth configuration with a vertical interface for the AUT. For omni-directional antennas and RCS measurements, the positioner can be configured as a low profile azimuth positioner with a horizontal interface without a blocking structure behind the AUT. The positioner can also be configured for bistatic RCS measurements and Spherical Near Field. With the addition of a linear scanner, the Quiet Zone can be scanned in a polar way but also planar scanning is possible. Other key parameters are: angular accuracy: 0.01°, accuracy of the translation axis: 0.01 mm, load capacity 100 kg.

Position Correction using a Multi-Axis Controller for High-Accuracy Measurements
Mark Bates,Mark Burdack, Roni Braun, November 2007

Current means to improve position accuracy in antenna ranges are often expensive, consume important CPU time, and/or limit data acquisition speed. By taking advantage of axes with good repeatability, higher multi-dimensional positioning accuracy can be achieved directly by a controller to ease complexity and achieve real-time position correction. A product family of controllers brings this capability to fruition. Comparison analysis of field data demonstrates improved accuracy with no measurement speed degradation. Results indicated a considerable accuracy improvement limited by axis repeatability. Existing and new antenna ranges can benefit from this simple cost-effective approach to improved position accuracy.

Experimental Verification of the Focal Plane APC Method with the VAST-12 Antenna
Luis Rolo,Maurice Paquay, November 2007

Boumans [1] has introduced an alternative to the classical (Advanced) Antenna Pattern Correction (A)APC method by moving the range feed in the focal plane of a Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) instead of moving the Device Under Test (DUT) around in the Quiet Zone (QZ). The advantages are clear: it is easier (cost and accuracy wise) to implement a feed scanner than a DUT scanner; the method can be used for azimuth and elevation patterns and it can even be implemented using multiple feed horns to get to the same measurement time as with a single range feed. The capabilities of defocused measurements in the Compact Payload Test Range (CPTR) at ESA/ESTEC have been previously assessed [2] and they revealed a triply reflected ray [2] and a QZ ripple induced by periodic surface inaccuracies [3]. This paper focuses on verifying the performance of the Focal Plane AAPC method for these effects. Use has been made of the well known DTU-ESA VAST-12 antenna [3].

Outdoor RCS Measurement Range for Spaceborne SAR Calibration Targets
Bjorn Doring,Marco Schwerdt, Robert Bauer, November 2007

The Microwaves and Radar Institute regularly performs calibration campaigns for spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems, among which have been X-SAR, SRTM, and ASAR. Tight performance specifications for future spaceborne SAR systems like TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X demand an absolute radiometric accuracy of better than 1 dB. The relative and absolute radiometric calibration of SAR systems depends on reference point targets (i. e. passive corner reflectors and active transponders), which are deployed on ground, with precisely known radar cross section (RCS). An outdoor far-field RCS measurement facility has been designed and an experimental test range has been implemented in Oberpfaffenhofen to precisely measure the RCS of reference targets used in future X-band SAR calibration campaigns. Special attention has been given to the fact that the active calibration targets should be measured under the most realistic conditions, i. e. utilizing chirp impulses (bandwidth up to 500 MHz, pulse duration of 2 µs for a 300 m test range). Tests have been performed to characterize the test range parameters. They include transmit/receive decoupling, background estimation, and two different amplitude calibrations: both direct (calibration with accurately known reference target) and indirect (based on the radar range equation and individual characteristics). Based on an uncertainty analysis, a good agreement between both methods could be found. In this paper, the design details of the RCS measurement facility and the characterizing tests including amplitude calibration will be presented.

Application of the SWE-To-PWE Antenna Diagnostics Technique to an Offset Reflector Antenna
Cecilia Cappellin,Aksel, Frandsen, Olav Breinbjerg, November 2007

A new antenna diagnostics technique has been developed for the DTU-ESA Spherical Near-Field Antenna Test Facility at the Technical University of Denmark. The technique is based on the transformation of the Spherical Wave Expansion (SWE) of the radiated field, obtained from a spherical near-field measurement, to the Plane Wave Expansion (PWE), and it allows an accurate reconstruction of the field in the extreme near-field region of the antenna under test (AUT), including the aperture field. While the fundamental properties of the SWE-to-PWE transformation, as well as the influence of finite measurement accuracy, have been reported previously, we validate here the new antenna diagnostics technique through an experimental investigation of a commercially available offset reflector antenna, where a tilt of the feed and surface distortions are intentionally introduced. The effects of these errors will be detected in the antenna far-field pattern, and the accuracy and ability of the diagnostics technique to subsequently identify them will be investigated. Real measurement data will be employed for each test case.
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